“We are looking to promote businesses and explore synergies between India and USA”

Santosh Kenkre is the President of the Indo American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) Goa, which was established in October 2020. This chapter was launched with the aim to synergise business... Read more »

Don’t Alienate. Value Relationships

The writer speaks on common mistakes that one makes in business and in life and the importance of humility At the outset, I wish to clarify that not all... Read more »

Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar appointed on Governing Council of Tata Memorial Centre

Eminent scientist, Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar has been appointed as part of the Governing Council of Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. Born in Mashel, Goa, Dr. Mashelkar is known for his... Read more »