Shaping the future of Dentistry

Dr Ida de Noronha de Ataide, Dean of Goa Dental College and Hospital is guiding the next generation of dentists with vision and commitment

Dr Ida de Noronha de Ataide, an esteemed dentist with a reputation for exceptional clinical skills and compassionate patient care, embarked on a significant chapter as the Dean of Goa Dental College and Hospital (GDCH). With a career spanning several decades, Dr Ida’s transition from treating patients to leading a prominent dental institution reflects her deep commitment to advancing the field of dental education.
Born in Goa, her early life was shaped by international experiences. Her father, who worked at the Portuguese Bank, Banco National Ultramarino, was offered a position in Mozambique. At just one year old, Dr Ida moved with her family to Nampula in North Mozambique. After four years, the family relocated to Lourenco Marques, now Maputo, where she began her schooling.
The political upheaval in Mozambique, which saw the country break away from Portuguese colonial rule, presented the Noronha family with a pivotal choice: either participate in the mass migration to Portugal or return to Goa. They chose the latter, and Dr Ida was enrolled in Holy Cross High School in Bastora, Goa. At the time, she had no knowledge of English, but she quickly adapted, eventually passing her 10th grade (SSC) exam with a distinction. She continued her education at St. Xavier’s College in Mapusa, pursuing science in her Higher Secondary education.
The same year she completed her 12th grade, Goa Dental College and Hospital opened its doors, sparking Dr Ida’s interest in pursuing a career in dentistry, inspired by her paternal grandfather’s profession. Although she initially did not secure a seat at GDCH, she was admitted to the Government Dental College and Hospital in Ahmedabad through an All India seat. This unexpected turn of events marked a significant phase in her journey.
In Ahmedabad, Dr Ida faced numerous challenges. She had to learn Gujarati to communicate with patients, adjust to a vegetarian diet, and adapt to living away from home, where she could only return for holidays twice a year. Despite these hurdles, she embraced her new environment. The Government Dental College and Hospital in Ahmedabad, being the only dental college in the city and the second in Gujarat, offered a rich variety of clinical cases. The excellent teaching faculty and the opportunity to engage in experimental research provided her with a comprehensive education, preparing her for diverse roles in her future career. Upon returning to Goa, Dr Ida began her career as a lecturer at GDCH, which was then a budding institution with an intake of just 30 students. Reflecting on her early experiences, she describes the atmosphere as friendly and the competition among students as healthy. “Everyone was very responsible, eager to learn, and hardworking. Although we lacked facilities, the students and staff managed beautifully,” she recalls.
Over the years, GDCH has expanded significantly, evolving from a small institution into a well-established center of dental health and education. Today, it boasts two buildings, two hostels, two mobile dental buses, well-staffed departments, a great library, and other essential facilities. Dr Ida credits the supportive role of the government, particularly Health Minister Vishwajit Rane, in facilitating these advancements.
Her rise through the ranks – from Lecturer to Assistant Professor, to Professor, and eventually to Dean – has been marked by a wealth of experiences. Her role as Dean has involved navigating various challenges, including managing diverse perspectives and ambitions within the institution and securing government support for ongoing upgrades. She acknowledges that while leading GDCH has its challenges, including the sometimes daunting process of obtaining government funding, it has also been incredibly rewarding.
As her term as Dean approaches its conclusion, Dr Ida is hopeful that the initiatives she has started will near completion. She takes pride in the institution’s recognition for its valuable services and the global success of its students. Despite these achievements, she recognises that there is still much to be done, particularly in incorporating new developments in teaching and learning. Throughout her career, Dr Ida has been supported by her family, a source of strength that has enabled her to focus on her professional responsibilities. She fondly recalls the support she received during her children’s early years, acknowledging the vital role of domestic help in allowing her to concentrate fully on her work.
In conclusion, Dr Ida reflects on her journey with gratitude. “God has been kind to me,” she says. “As I look ahead, I plan to focus on the guiding light and navigate the tunnel of the future with hope for a healthy and fulfilling life.” Her story is one of dedication, resilience, and a deep commitment to advancing the field of dental education, leaving a lasting legacy at Goa Dental College and Hospital.

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