The heritage activist, PRAJAL SAKHARDANDE, expresses his concerns on how the upcoming Government approved Mollem project could spell doom for Goa’s natural heritage.
Goa, an ethereal combination of emerald on the East and azure on the West once again, stands threatened, due to the draconian axe called ‘development.’ As has happened multiple times in the past, desecration of Goa’s natural inheritance may now begin to sound clichéd. Nonetheless, it is unfortunate that such despoliation is underway yet again!
This time, the area in question happens to be the lush-green forests of the Mollem Wildlife Sanctuary and the natural green cover of the Western Ghats – a biodiversity hotspot identified by UNESCO. Albeit, Mollem may not feature in UNESCO’s prestigious list; however, it certainly occupies a vital fraction of the majestic Western Ghats.
Three mammoth projects that spell trouble in paradise for Goa’s innate legacy in the Mollem region have been granted permission by our anti-environmental State and Central Governments alike. There is a proposed four-lane National Highway project to be implemented through the Mollem Wildlife Sanctuary;a transmission line commissioned by the Vedanta Group passing through the sanctuary; and the double tracking of the railway line from Castle Rock to Cullem passing through the pristine valleys of the Dudhsagar waterfalls.
Considering that Goa’s heritage-land has been under continuous attack from the Government mechanism, it is about time that we the people of Goa put our foot down and obliterate this disastrous plan of dubious intent. The Eastern topography of Goa is covered almost entirely with greenery in the form of lush forests, undulating landscapes, charming flora and fauna that is rich in biodiversity of varied nature! Interestingly, Goa’s largest butterfly species, the ‘Southern Birdwing’ resides there.
The Eastern topography of Goa is covered almost entirely with greenery in the form of lush forests, undulating landscapes, charming flora and fauna that is rich in biodiversity of varied nature! Goa’s largest butterfly species, the ‘Southern Birdwing’ resides there
That aside, the Western Ghats, specially in the Mollem region happens to be home to a variety of diverse species of birds, flowers, blades of greenery, springs, plants and arboreal heritage as well. An extensive range of animals live there, too. Having said that, it is understood that the three above-mentioned colossal ventures approved by the Government are absolutely and completely detrimental to the very existence of Mollem as a wildlife sanctuary and its rich natural heritage. It is imperative that we as Goans understand the game and not allow our prosperous ecological heritage, which is already fragile due to the onset of relentless mining activities, to be plundered in this manner.
It is generally observed that Goans who are collective stakeholders of the ecological treasure are rarely noticed or taken seriously by governmental dispensations and that by itself is the biggest democratic bane! Nonetheless, in the year 2006, the people of Goa cried hoarse about the implementation of the Regional Plan of 2011 and had it scrapped – thus saving Goa’s natural heritage from the insatiable clutches of the government. Therefore, keeping this in mind, it is about time that we raise our clubs and maces once again and save Goa from this fast approaching, imminent menace which is nothing but a massive threat to our beloved land.
As humans, we cannot possibly let these disparaging projects bulldoze all over our natural heritage and our congenital and innate concerns. We need to be up-in-arms about these projects or else I fear, Goa is on the brink of destruction! The unremitting digging and construction works that will go into the materialization of these projects will deplete our ground water table. Moreover, axing forests will exhaust the ground water table further which will ultimately leave a terrible impact on the climate leading to an arid climate and environmental spiralling at the hands of these high powered projects and its influential bosses!
Let us all come together and up our ante against this utter sacrilege of our beloved Mollem. I humbly appeal to all our brethren in Goa to come forward in opposition and put an immediate halt upon these three environmentally hazardous and insensitive projects at the earliest!
The writer teaches history and is a published author. He also serves as Vice President of Goa Heritage Action Group Email: heritageprajal@rediffmail.com