Dr Kapil Khandeparkar, associate professor at GIM, is the recipient of Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) Ramaswamy Aiyer Young Faculty Award, during the 34th Annual Management Education Convention. Dr Khandeparkar has a doctorate in ‘advertising humour’ from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He teaches Consumer Behaviour and Core Marketing. Dr Khandeparkar has five years experience in academics; and three years experience in industry. He currently also teaches at IIM Indore and IIM Sambalpur. Besides advertising humour, Dr Khandeparkar also conducts research in the fields of retailing and reference pricing. His research has been published in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Tourism Management and Journal of Brand Management and Marketing Intelligence and Planning, and has also attended conferences such as the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in 2015 and La Londe’s Marketing and Communication Conference in the same year.