BNI Samudra Chapter celebrated its 500th weekly meeting and felicitated ten outstanding women who have contributed to worthy causes in Goa

In a night filled with enthusiasm and joy, BNI Samudra Chapter, one of Goa’s leading business networking groups, celebrated its 500th weekly meeting at the luxurious Planet Hollywood Resort, at Utorda. The evening was not  ust a commemoration of their significant milestone but also a tribute to the relentless spirit of entrepreneurship, especially among women. The event, held in the grandeur of Planet Hollywood Resort, witnessed the  onvergence of passionate entrepreneurs and social leaders from various walks of life.

The highlight of the evening was the felicitation of ten extraordinary women who have actively contributed to both social causes and the  ntrepreneurial landscape in Goa. These remarkable women were acknowledged for their dedication and unwavering commitment to making a difference in society. Their inspiring stories resonated with everyone present,  erving as a testament to the power of women in business and community development.

The evening kicked off with a mesmerising dance performance by talented children, showcasing the vibrant culture of Goa. The  nthusiasm was palpable as chapter members also took the stage, displaying their  reative talents and passion for performance. The presence of esteemed guests  dded to the glamour of the event. Rajkumar Kamat; BNI Executive Director graced the occasion with his wife Leena; while emphasising on the importance of unity and collaboration in the world of business. Distinguished dignitaries like Dr. Sneha Bhagwat, Urvija Bhatkuly, Uma Salelkar, Meghana Goankar, Lorraine Saldanha, Gautami Hede Bambolkar, Ekta Agarwal, and Dr. Agnita Kamat were also in attendance, each a beacon of inspiration in their respective fields.

One of the  eartwarming aspects of the evening was the active participation of children and  pouses of the chapter members. The event acknowledged the pivotal role played by  pouses in supporting their partners’ endeavours within the BNI Samudra  hapter and the broader business community. Their unwavering support was celebrated through heartfelt felicitation, reinforcing the importance of family in the journey of entrepreneurship. The atmosphere was electric with camaraderie and  elebration as attendees mingled, shared stories, and forged new connections.

The  event served not just as a milestone marker but as a reminder of the collaborative  pirit that defines BNI Samudra Chapter. The event was adorned with exquisite décor, courtesy of TRH Production. The sparkle of the evening was further  nhanced by the generous diamond sponsorship from BE Positive Investments and  aharudra Real Estate, both esteemed members of the BNI family. Planet  Hollywood  Resort, a proud member of BNI, provided the perfect backdrop for this  rand social gathering. Other partners included Future-tech Solutions, AV  echnologies, Sapphire Diagnostic, Limaras Art Media, and Saad Infrastructure and  Innovate Creations.

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