The idea of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) has become acceptable as a mode of settlement of disputes in recent times.
The main methods of dispute resolution include negotiation, mediation, arbitration and conciliation. Among these, mediation and negotiation plays a vital role in dispute settlement.
To create awareness and to make the interested people adopt and apply these methods in dispute resolution, V M Salgaocar College of Law, Miramar, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mediator Academy, London, United Kingdom to encourage the interested persons to get training to apply, use and settle the matters outside of Courts.
In this regard, VMSCL is starting a Mediation Certificate Course in association with the Mediator Academy, London. On successful completion of the course, participants will receive a Mediator Academy Block chain certificate, which will certify that they have achieved a foundation Level Certificate course in commercial mediation, designed as per the Bar Council of India (BCI) curriculum.
This certificate course will provide the necessary foundation in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for specialization in mediation skills and techniques.