“The programs EO Goa Chapter has been offering have been of great value to the members”

Anirudh Agrawal, Chairman of Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO), Goa Chapter speaks on steering EO Goa towards a brighter future

Elaborate on the journey of Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO) in Goa
Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO) Goa started in 2018 when 17 like-minded entrepreneurs got together and decided to launch the Goa Chapter. We were well supported by the other EO chapters in India and having seen how EO has helped them we decided to be part of this exciting group. Every year has seen EO Goa members grow in terms of learning newer skills as well as personally and spiritually. We have had some brilliant leaders in our Chapter. With a very diverse group of individuals there is a lot we have learnt from our peers.

What are the current projects being undertaken by EO Goa?
Our EO Goa Chapter theme of the year is ‘Involve and Evolve.’ We have set up a yearly calendar with a fantastic line-up of more than 60+ events focused on learning, member-integration and family; at chapter, regional as well as global level. We are hosting a regional event on 17th August 2024 which will be attended by members from across the South Asia region; learning with a keynote guest speaker, a leader from the finance industry on 23rd of August 2024; followed by a family workshop on 29th August 2024.

How is EO Goa in sync with its national and international objectives?
Our four EO core values – ‘Together we grow; Trust and respect; Thirst for learning; and Think big, be bold; are deeply rooted in our Goa Chapter culture. We have members who participate in regional integration events as well as in global educational learning programs. We host and attend multi-chapter events. We ensure that our Chapter members gain exposure to all the available opportunities to learn and grow together.

What is unique about EO Goa that Goa’s business community should be aware of?
I think the members, opportunities and culture of EO Goa makes us unique. At EO Goa we are all peers and learn so much from each other. There is a very strong degree of trust and respect. The programs EO Goa has been offering in terms of professional growth have been of great value to the members. Products like Forum have been an unimaginable platform and support system to us. The board that looks after the day to day running of the chapter is highly motivated and enthusiastic about making the events very exciting and interesting. The varieties of events that are offered are unparalleled.

EO Goa is aiding student startups. What has been the focus and progress in Goa so far?
– The Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) is the premier global competition for students who own and operate a business while attending college or university. Nominees compete against their peers from around the world in a series of local and national competitions in the hope of qualifying for the Global Finals. This year, we will be hosting a GSEA Goa Chapter Competition in mid-January 2025. We at EO Goa encourage participation of student entrepreneurs from Goa based universities and incubation centers. Along with the prize money and mentorship opportunities, the top two Goa chapter candidates will get a platform to participate and showcase their start-up at the national level competition.

What are EO Goa’s upcoming projects?
As a first-stage entrepreneur, you face new challenges every day. Accelerator, an Entrepreneurs’ Organisation program, is the catalyst that enables first-stage entrepreneurs to catapult their business to the next level.
This year, EO Goa plans to execute the Accelerator Program at chapter level. We will provide a unique experience of learning to first-stage entrepreneurs through mentorship from industry leaders and connecting them with the world’s most influential entrepreneurs.

As the Chair of EO Goa, what would you like to leave behind as a legacy for your successors?
I have always believed leadership of an organisation is a journey; it’s not just about what you have achieved in your year but also about the foundation you have laid for the future. This year we will have several high quality events, a few ‘Once in a Lifetime’ (OIL) opportunities and an increased focus of giving value to members for their time more than anything. We are very grateful to have the quality of members we do and will continue to induct a few more members every year. We will try and set processes which eases the work of the chairs that take up leadership roles after my board so that they can focus more on further improvements. Along with my board I would like to leave the Chapter in a happier place from where we started


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