Sunil Kumar Singh bags JC Bose Fellowship

Prof. Sunil Kumar Singh has been selected for the prestigious JC Bose Fellowship by the Science and Engineering Research Board. He is the Director of CSIR- National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. Prof. Singh hails from Bihar, is a geochemist and a former professor at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmadabad. He is a former scientific Steering Committee and incumbent member  of the Data Management Committee of GEOTRACES, an international forum for  esearch on the marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and isotopes. He is   recipient of many awards like the National Geoscience Award and an elected  ellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Singh has played a significant role on studies on low temperature, elemental and isotope geochemistry and his  esearches are reported to have assisted in widening the understanding on the  imalayas and its role in modulating the long term global climate.

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