It’s important to celebrate and salute the heroic women who are changing the world around them and empowering other women to do the same.
Women of the world want and deserve an equal future free from stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that’s sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all. To get us there, the world needs women at every table where decisions are being made.
Positively, the female talent pool is widening globally with women surpassing in tertiary education and more women than men ever before are entering into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Women are a force in the labour market breaking boundaries.
While the proportion of women in the labour market in general and in leadership positions in particular remains significantly lower compared to men, there are a number of inspiring women leaders who show you what it is to be a good leader and who make positive contributions to the performance of the office and well being of her staff.
Although there are women in leadership positions that we can look up to, we know that their journey to join and remain in the labour market and advance to the leadership position was not easy. Despite the improvement in laws and policies to promote gender equality, discrimination in practice is prevalent, based on patriarchal practices and biases that negatively affect women in the world of work. Women may not get opportunities for career advancement as the supervisor may judge that women would not be equally capable. Women may not be given opportunities under the name of ‘protection’ as certain occupations may be perceived dangerous or inappropriate for women. We are at a point in history where we have overcome gender biases which the previous generations fought, and we are now seeing the birth of a new set of biases – biases which define how an empowered woman should be, and exactly how empowered she can be. What good are opportunities if they do not enable women to get out of the confines of gender bias? It’s time we paused to reflect to think if we are really moving towards women’s empowerment, or if we are just drifting towards a different kind of gender bias. Has the status of women in India truly changed? We need to work towards creating an environment where both women and men can develop to their full potential on equal terms
Urvija Bhatkuly, Group Head / Co-Publisher, Business Goa
Women are shining in all walks of life
As a woman, I feel that empowerment is all about equal opportunities and the ability to make choices, in life and work. To be independent – financially, emotionally and taking care and nurturing your own self would, in my opinion, be a real sense of empowerment.
Over the last few years, we have seen a kind of surge of ladies making a mark in the field of academics and are now important stakeholders of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. From retail to manufacturing and services to tech-enabled businesses, women are at the forefront of this entrepreneurial change.
As Goa’s only business magazine, Business Goa, has steadfastly been focussing and featuring ladies from various walks of life – either running their own enterprises or making a difference to society by being change-makers in their own right. It is heartening to hear the voices of ladies featured in this section. Voices that reverberate the spirit of an optimistic and vibrant Goa
Archana Bhobe, Founder, Snip Salons and Spas
Real empowerment comes from financial independence
I’m a big believer in gender equality, so for me women’s empowerment itself is a condescending term.
Our country has historically birthed incredibly strong women but sadly, along the way, many women from weaker sections of society were relegated to marginal roles and discriminated against.
I would assume that the several female-focused initiatives by the government and NGOs would help educate and empower underprivileged women.
Real empowerment however, comes with financial independence – when women are not dependent on their spouses or their families.
Women-led enterprises are still in the minority, but they’re growing.
Many corporations, both in the private as well as public sector are increasingly helmed by women who rose to the top through sheer grit and talent in a so called man’s world.
In the entrepreneurial arena, I believe women should share a level playing field with men.
In terms of financial assistance, especially micro finance, there are many schemes to kick start women led business.
Having said all that, I believe true women’s empowerment will be achieved when a male dominated society will change its mindset and see women for what they are – equal to men
Sheetal Pai Kane, Chairperson, CII-IWN Goa; Director Acoustic Components Pvt Ltd
Women empowerment is required for the development of society
“A Girl should be two things: WHO and WHAT She Wants”. Coco Chanel. Fashion Designer.
Women empowerment has become a very significant topic for discussion, specially the month of March being recognised as International Women’s Day.
Women Empowerment is definitely required and a necessity for the development of society and nation.
By empowering women you reach and achieve gender equality which is really essential for our society and growth.
For Women to develop and grow, we must let them make their own choices, let them take and create their own decisions, make mistakes and learn from them.
Women oriented business enterprises are playing a prominent role in the society and inspiring other women to become entrepreneurs, thereby generating more employment opportunities.
Traditional female skills are now turning into livelihood by starting from home based businesses like catering, apparel merchandising, food processing, services, crafts and many more.
This should be encouraged by providing skill training, guidance and mentoring.
Empower means the power given to individuals, without any restrictions or limitations. The key part to promote empowerment is through education, Health and safety and well being of women, training benefits, professional development, financial help, promote gender equality at every step, mentorship and letting women take their own life decisions
Suhani Mendonsa, Trustee, Mendonsa Foundation
Women need to get the recognition that they deserve
This Women’s Day, I met the most inspiring women at Don Bosco Development Society (Mumbai). DBDS offers various courses such as candle making, masala making, tailoring, beautician course, computer training making toilet cleaners, surface cleaners, hand wash and many more courses.
These courses are absolutely free of cost and cater to the women from various slums so they learn various skills and become financially Independent! They also train them of how to present themselves, market the products package the products and sales!
This Women’s Day, I invited the staff volunteers, social workers as well as these women entrepreneurs on my talk show.
It was absolutely mind boggling to hear that during the lockdown each of these women from the slums survived it because of the skills that they learnt, which helped them finance their families too! The concept of women empowerment is vague without economic empowerment. Unless every slum has the presence of a saviour like DBDS and the women there do make the most of it. It’s high time that women get the recognition that they deserve!
Supriya Rane, Director, La Cabana Beach & Spa
Gender equality is key to empowerment
Education and gender equality are important milestones and contribute greatly in women empowerment.
Women, for centuries, have faced barriers for a number of reasons and denied equal opportunities.
The Indian government has recognized women’s issues and introduced various schemes like ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ but work needs to be done at the grass root level for it to gain momentum.
As mothers, we have the power to change and mould our children’s lives so that the future generations can benefit from today’s investment in women.
It is important to raise both the girl child and the boy equally without gender discrimination. When girls are educated they drive their own destiny and contribute in improving the quality of life both at home and outside. Values like respect for women, protection and safety of girls, equality need to be instilled in boys in their growing years.
Let’s not hold the girl child back with limiting beliefs, traditional gender specific roles and conditionings. Provide her with equal access to resources and opportunities so that we can unleash her true potential and make her unstoppable in her journey of life
Gautami Raikar, Director & CEO, The Legal Capsule
Every woman needs motivation
Women entrepreneurs are not large in number which is the case all over the world; the reason being that family and societal pressures often hold them back.
We may talk about equality, but every woman needs motivation and a strong support system so as to pursue their careers and life goals.
Many a time women are questioned and doubted regarding their visions and hopes, on the assumption that they will get married and be busy with their family and household chores.
I salute the women entrepreneurs who have proved these notions wrong while fighting the toughest battles to be where they are today.
I am very fortunate to have been born and brought up in Goa where there is so much of acceptance and encouragement, not only from our families but society as well. There are so many organisations and startups that have been founded by women, making a name for themselves in the corporate world. I do not want to get any special incentive for being a woman, but would like to be in the business ring with a gender neutral approach… and win
Dr. Tejashree Colvalcar, Partner, IVF Angels Goa
Women entrepreneurship is a means to women empowerment
Women entrepreneurship is a means to women empowerment. One must encourage entrepreneurship amongst women, which will inevitably lead to their empowerment where they take up the baton and they become decision makers.
The following are broad impediments to this process. One is the skill sets required for the core business, leadership skills required to manage the business, financial independence can be a challenge due to lack of collateral security and last but not the least, the desire to step out of one’s comfort zone.
There are various schemes provided by the government to aid women in starting their own ventures to help overcome financial concerns. Incubation centers are a good place to start where legal and financial guidance can be sought.
Women empowerment in companies can be also encouraged by having a fair representation of women in the workforce in key decision making roles.
A collective effort by business owners and society can change the demographics of representation of women in key positions in business.
A continuous and conscious effort will get women there to shatter the glass ceiling and reach new heights
Poonam Shirsat, Founder and Director, The Skill Company
Women can handle adversities
Women have yet again proved that they can handle adversities and stand up tall to any uncertainties. The educated, the less educated and the uneducated, all fought their own battle especially during these Covid times, handling and supporting their families. Handling different roles in different capacities and juggling them with grit is something I admire about us women. Women leaders are everywhere, from Fortune 500 companies to house wives who raise their children and head their households. Our country was built by strong women who continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.
I personally feel we are not here to compete with the opposite gender, but to complement one another. I see the day not too far, where we will not fight for the rights rather contribute to each other’s growth. To all the women and the men who respect women
Dr Astrid Monteiro, Dental Surgeon
Empower yourselves with knowledge
Being a self employed professional for nearly two and half decades I must confess that in my area of work, I have enjoyed most benefits of what is expected of the much stressed term of today ‘women empowerment’. It has been an immensely satisfying experience of my life resulting in a significant impact around my small community.
My advice to colleagues and younger teenage girls is to empower yourselves with the required knowledge and skills to augment and strengthen your profession to conduct yourselves with discipline, confidence and grace, thereby leading by example. Take full advantage of the efforts that the Government and NGOs are putting together so that our male counterparts do not exploit our talents to make it to the top echelons in any field of excellence
Rashme Row Pawar, Physiotherapist
Being a woman is a celebration of life
On Women’s Day, I would like to talk about the Evolution of a Woman.
As she walks the earth in her many avatars; she grows and changes at every stage of her life. In her 20s, she is naive, immature, impulsive and still finding her identity.
In her 30s, she is mature (but not quite), she has dreams (real ones) she understands responsibility, relationships and more importantly she has almost found herself!
In her 40s, she is at peace with herself and her world. She has it all; she knows exactly what she wants and what she doesn’t. As a woman who is almost 40, I’m still discovering myself and in the coming future will hopefully live to tell u about my 50s and 60s! I would just like to say that a woman is nothing less than a celebration of life well lived and she is grateful to be blessed with family and friends who are always there for her
Sarika Varshnei, Chief Growth Officer, Latambarcem Brewers Pvt Ltd
Our beauty is dangerous, but our intelligence is lethal
Across the world all we hear is empower women. We already are empowered.
We cannot wait for empowerment to be bestowed on us. We do not need permission; we need to earn it by leading to bring a change in this mindset. Empower ourselves from within, never quit and continue despite failures, difficulties, and hurdles. We women have been blessed with the power to create, nurture and transform. Our beauty is dangerous, but our intelligence is lethal.
In a way, we are entrepreneurs from the moment we become wives and then mothers. So, what are we waiting for? All we need to do is step out into the world to face risks and challenges, develop a voice and never be silent again.
I am a strong woman and I feel deeply and love fiercely,
my tears flow just as abundantly as my laughter,
I am both practical and spiritual,
I am, in my essence, a gift to the world
Sandra Fernandes, Hotelier and Educationist
Applaud a woman’s achievements
Women’s Day is a day to celebrate women and girls all over the world.
I personally feel that a single day is not enough to enhance the status of women and applaud their achievements, yet by celebrating this day we indeed get an opportunity to create more awareness about women’s issues and provide platforms for discussions and debates.
To me International Women’s Day is exciting as I celebrate my womanhood and we women can play our roles to perfection whether it’s on the home front or at work.
As a Past President of the Inner Wheel Club of Ponda and President Elect of the Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera it’s been our constant endeavour to support and empower women and girls through education and job opportunities thereby giving wings to many a girl’s dream
Minal Bhandary, Co-founder, Café Mira
It’s the incredible strength within that empowers a woman
Being empowered, in my opinion, is doing what you want to do, being who you want to be. It can refer to someone who has made great strides in the corporate world, one who provides for her family or a woman who is rebuilding her life after it has come crashing down.
Strength comes in different forms; it depends on how it is perceived by the world. You may not always have the external support, but there is incredible strength within all of us.
I see empowerment in women all around me, from my domestic staff to my friends in high profile jobs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all theory; it’s what makes you happy, makes you believe you can achieve what you set out to do. You don’t need to prove to the world, you just need to prove to yourself
Shruti Tiwari, Managing Partner, VLW GLOBAL
Women are the real architects of our society
“The best protection any woman can have is courage.” It’s so rightly said by Elizabeth Cady Stanton! For me women’s day is all about celebrating womanhood! We are so fortunate to be in this new world where women empower women and it’s so visible in everyday life! If you have a dream.
Make it your target and work towards it! That’s the mantra to success! One thing common in both cases Whether a home maker or a working women.. They are much stronger and focused to sail through any problem by giving full support to her companion or family, I believe women are stronger emotionally and that is how women hold up half the sky! Cheers to the real architect of our society!
Anisha Hassan, Owner, Saligao Stories
Women are deserving of every opportunity
I personally believe that a woman entrepreneur is an example of dignity and integrity as she manages home and business with comfortable elan.
Every woman is empowered to be her best as she is born with a natural instinct to love, care, nurture and lead.
Ladies never ever doubt that you are deserving of every opportunity you get to pursue and achieve your every dream!