Retail Employees Day and its Importance

Shopping is a necessity and fun as well but whenever we visit consumer stores, fashion retail outlets, convenience stores, departmental store or malls etc to meet needs, wants or desires but how often do we end our interaction with a “Thank You” note? This is the question that has led to this movement to celebrate Retail Employees’ Day (RED). It was created to thank and appreciate retail employees for their relentless efforts. It is an initiative directed not only at Employers but Customers, CEO, Business Heads , Manager as well, to encourage them to show gratitude to retail associates across the country. Floor employees are the face of any business and they carry the brand image of the company a long way.

How Retailers ensure employees are happy when business is on its peak?
Business owners/Managers must ensure their employees have a good work-life balance. The overall happiness of the employees will not only increase their productivity but also ensure that they greet customers with a smile. Reducing the overall stress of the employees is very important for productivity at work. RED is one such initiative to reduce stress at the workplace during the season time when businesses make most of the money and retail employees sacrifice their Festival Joy & love with family members by working beyond the roster hours during the season.. Thus, we must take a day out of the calendar to celebrate and show our gratitude towards the backbone of the Trade, its employees and front-end retail associates, delivery and service team.

RED in India
Retail Employees Day is a celebration initiated by the Retailers Association of India (RAI) and the TRRAIN (Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India) in the year 2011. with 20,000 people celebrating the day in India, in 2011. Now it has grown to 800+ brands celebrating this day for a count of 6 million employees, across 72 malls and countries like India, Turkey, Philippines & UAE. In 2013, Retail Employees’ Day inspired Boyner Group in Turkey to celebrate the day with its 12000 employees leading the entire country to take up the celebrations in 2014. About 2
million people from the Turkey retail industry celebrated Retail Employees Day, making this simple idea a truly global phenomenon that year. With over millions of people celebrating it, this initiative by TRRAIN has seen
tremendous success.

CMM ARENA, a Goa-based Retailer is proud to announce that they have been celebrating it since 2011 in Goa. They engage in the following activities for team members on 12th December
1. Thankyou card to all team members
2. Offer lunch or arrange lunch for them at the branch
3. Reward the team for their performance during the last year, a certificate of merit or Trophy etc.
4. Recognise individual best performers in all areas of operation including the backend team.
5. Celebrations at a venue outside the premises followed by a Dinner.
6. Marketing of the event within the showrooms through marketing collateral etc.

I request all the Retailer and Wholesalers in Goa to join this great initiative which can go a long way in improving the productivity of the team. It can lead to team motivation and commitment in service to customers.

Hari Krishan Kaul

Chairman Retail & Wholesale Trade Committee.- GCCI

Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant said, ” I am pleased that the Retailer’s Association of India (RAI) is set to observe the annual celebration of Retail Employees Day (RED) on the 12th of December. I take the opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for RAI’s significant contribution in fostering the right environment for the growth of the modern retail industry in India.”

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