With an aim to help promising athletes, the Abhinav Bindra Foundation has brought on board, Mind Coach Priyanka Row who will be guiding these sports people during stressful times. Priyanka has served and coached over 5500 clients across 32 cities and 4 countries with a mission to transform mindsets, to be self-sufficient, and live without dependence emotionally and mentally.
As a Mind Coach, she offers India’s 1st personalized Mind Coaching Program, which blends tools from ancient Vedic wisdom & contemporary western sciences of neuro-linguistic programming, energy psychology, energy medicine, belief clearing, and subconscious mind programming. Priyanka is Goa’s first and only internationally certified image consultant. She is the recipient of one of the highest Sales Awards in Marriott International – The Golden Circle Award at Waikiki, Hawaii and the Runners Up Award of the 2020 Business Diva Competition for Innovative women led Start-up Ideas by Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Priyanka is also a Rotarian and a Paul Harris Fellow since the age of 21 with a penchant for service towards the Defense Forces and Veteran.