Planting Happiness

Bruno Brito speaks on his venture, Living Plants Goa

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. These words ring true for Bruno Brito, the founder of Living Plants Goa, whose passion for gardening has transformed into a thriving business. Bruno embarked on a journey to bring the beauty of nature into people’s lives. His childhood was filled with a love for music and a passion for gardening. These two pursuits have stayed with him throughout his life and have shaped the person that he is today.

Bruno’s childhood was steeped in the idyllic beauty of Goa. Growing up in Loutolim, he attended Saviour of the World High School, where he nurtured his passion for music, alongside his academic pursuits. Graduating from Fr Agnel College of Arts and Commerce, Bruno honed his skills as a violinist and embarked on a musical journey that spanned two decades. Today, he teaches music in South Goa, enriching the lives of aspiring musicians.

However, it was during the challenging times of the lockdown that Bruno discovered his interest in landscaping. With everyone confined to their homes, he sought solace in gardening. After experiencing the challenges of the lockdown, he decided to turn his passion for gardening into a business that could provide comfort and beauty to others. In March 2022, Bruno took his love for plants to the next level and founded Living Plants Goa.

Living Plants Goa, stands out from the crowd by offering real plants that breathe life into any space. Bruno noticed that many offices and establishments used artificial plants that lacked the authenticity and natural beauty of living plants. Determined to bring nature’s splendor indoors, he chose the name ‘Living Plants’ to convey the idea that their offerings are genuine, helping people live with comfort and harmony. Recognising the importance of plants in maintaining optimal temperatures and creating a soothing environment, Bruno aims to recreate these benefits within homes and workplaces.

At Living Plants Goa, a wide variety of plants awaits enthusiasts. From begonias to flowering plants, succulents to crotons, and cacti to fruiting plants, their collection is diverse and enchanting. Bruno and his team meticulously curate these plants, ensuring that they adapt to the local climate and thrive under normal conditions. They also propagate their own plants, providing customers with a sustainable and organic gardening experience.

Bruno and his team source their plants from all over India, ensuring that they have access to the best quality products available. Whether they personally visit nurseries or order online, Bruno ensures that only the finest specimens make their way to his customers. With an eye on the future, Living Plants Goa aspires to bring purely organic vegetables to the plates of their customers, promoting a healthy and environmentally conscious lifestyle.
Aside from landscaping, Living Plants Goa, offers a range of services to cater to their clients’ diverse needs. From clearing debris and preparing land for landscaping to providing comprehensive garden maintenance, their goal is to deliver exceptional results at a reasonable rate. Unlike larger companies in the market, Living Plants Goa, stands out by offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality. They pride themselves on customising designs for their customers, presenting a preview before commencing work. This allows clients to provide feedback and request any alterations, ensuring that their vision is perfectly realised.

One of the unique aspects of Living Plants Goa is their focus on customised designs. Bruno and his team work closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences, and they offer a preview of the final design before beginning work. This allows clients to make changes and alterations as needed, ensuring that the final result is exactly what they had envisioned. In addition to plants and landscaping services, Living Plants Goa also offers a range of products such as pots, plant fibers, ceramics, and compost. They even customise table pieces for events, providing a unique and beautiful touch to any celebration. Of course, no business is without its challenges, and Living Plants Goa is no exception. Bruno acknowledges that setting up the business was a difficult process, but he credits his commitment to customer satisfaction and attention to detail as the factors that set Living Plants Goa apart from others in the industry. He also recognises the importance of sustainability and encourages people to focus on growing more trees and plants to help conserve water resources. Bruno says, “Somehow we have to fight it out!”

Looking to the future, Bruno hopes to expand the business by introducing bonsai plants and creating more decorative plant items. He is passionate about making plants accessible and easy to incorporate into people’s lives, whether that is through gifts or home decor. Bruno’s message to people is simple yet profound, “We should focus on growing more trees, especially considering the dropping groundwater levels. With everything happening around us, growing plants may be our only option.” Bruno believes that planting a garden is not just about creating a beautiful space; it is about believing in. Living Plants Goa is a testament to the power of passion and the belief in a brighter tomorrow. Through their dedication to quality, customisation, and sustainability, Bruno and his team are shaping the future of landscaping and gardening in India. So, if you’re looking to bring a little bit of nature into your life, look no further than Living Plants Goa, where the grass is always greener on your side.

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