Dr. Vrinda Borker speaks on her rise from a lecturer to become principal of Dhempe College of Arts and Science
Dr Vrinda Borker studied at Bal Bharati Vidya Mandir, Ribandar and later at the Institute of Instruction, Panaji. She pursued her higher secondary and graduation in Chemistry from Dhempe College of Arts, Science, and M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from CPIR (Centre for Post-Graduation and Research, Panaji) Bombay University. While teaching at Dhempe College of Arts and Science, she completed her research at CPIR under Prof. V. N. Kamat Dalal as her guide and Prof. K. S .Rane as a co-guide; Dr Vrinda was awarded the Ph. D. degree in 1991.
Her pursuit of a research degree opened new vistas of experience and interaction with renowned institutions and eminent scientists in Mumbai. Since instrumentation facilities and literature required for research were limited in Goa then, she spent most of her vacations at IIT Bombay, Bhabha Atomic research Centre (BARC) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) to avail facilities of their instrumentation centre and library. During this span, Dr Vrinda attended lectures delivered by experienced professors, interacted with researchers from these institutes.
Her teachers fascinated Dr Vrinda when in primary school. “My best teachers from primary to college impressed me a lot. I love to be in company of youngsters for their positive thoughts and spirit of undertaking challenges. I consider that the role of a teacher is not only teaching the syllabus but also to motivate and shape the next generation,” she adds, which led to teaching as a choice of profession.
After completing her M.Sc, she joined Dhempe College as a lecturer, in the Department of Chemistry, in 1983. She was promoted as a reader in 1997 and later as professor in 2012. “With my interaction with BARC, IIT, I invited reputed scientists to conduct workshops and conferences for the faculty and students of Goa. I co-founded the ‘Chromophore Club’ in the Department of Chemistry with a view to enhance the subject knowledge of students, as well as their quizzing and presentation skills. Industry visits and guest lectures were conducted for their overall development. Some of my students presented their project work under my guidance and won prizes at state level seminars and quizzes. I firmly believe that as academicians we need to connect very strongly with the society and make every effort to ensure that our students emerge as environmentally conscious, socially responsible, ethically and morally strong citizens. Therefore, I conducted outreach programs in adopted village Penha De Franca.”
Dr Vrinda strongly believes that good education should pave the way for good employment. For this purpose, she has fostered a close association with the pharmaceutical industry in a bid to understand the industry perspective on the relevance of the curriculum, practical skills imparted by the curriculum, and the skill-gaps among students from the perspective of the industry. “During 2003 to 2016, I conducted one year job-oriented Postgraduate Course in Industrial and Analytical Techniques, accredited by Goa Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (GPMA). The course comprised of lectures by technocrats and on job training. Almost all students were placed in industries.” This initiative of hers led to a felicitation by the GPMA at the hands of then Chief Minister Digamber Kamat.
After becoming Principal, retrofitting of the college building was done, a high-end instrumentation centre was set up and the college launched the M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) in 2018, a programme supported by the GPMA. The college conducted around 59 skill enhancement courses after upgrading them to 2 credit courses during the last five years. Dr. Vrinda has convened national and international conferences and after the pandemic, all online, along with 2 international symposiums, 5 national conferences, 5 national webinars and 40 state level workshops/seminars.
“I have fostered closer interaction with scientists from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, and facilitated their lecture series in Goa for the benefit of students of colleges, higher secondary schools and schools.”
Dr Vrinda was also successful in garnering full financial support under the Sakura Science Plan, Japan, for the visit of the faculty and students to Toyo University and Meijo University, Japan. “With these Universities we conducted international symposiums and during the pandemic, online symposiums were conducted, inviting, Prof Akira Yoshino, a Nobel laureate in Chemistry from Japan as well as scientists from USA, Portugal, Nepal and Bangladesh.”
Dr Vrinda has actively contributed to Dhempe College in various capacities as a member of various committees, organised events, industry visits, guest lectures, workshops and seminars, collaborated with institutes of international repute as well as designed and conducted value addition courses.
All this, led to her rise from a professor to a principal. “I guided one of the junior teachers in the department for doctorate research and two for M. Phil dissertation. The work has been published in peer reviewed impact factor journals and presented at national and international conferences, and has received best presentation awards at national and international conferences. In 2015 as NAAC coordinator, I competently dealt with the requirement of documentation for Self Study Report (SSR) and the college was re-accredited with grade A. It gave me confidence to apply for the post of Principal. The Academic Performance Index (API) requirement for the post was met due to my continuous research work and other commitments. The management showed full confidence in me and offered the post of Principal in 2017.”
Dhempe College of Arts and Science is celebrating sixty years of its foundation this year. Dr Vrinda has plans for this event. “We wish to commemorate the efforts taken by the visionaries and philanthropists in providing higher education by organising the ‘Vasantrao Dempo Lecture Series’ inviting eminent personalities in the field of academics, research, industries and politics, due to the pandemic in virtual mode and later in offline mode. Governor of Goa, P. S. Sreedharan Pillai, delivered the first lecture of the series.
Each department of the College has planned a national or international webinar/conference during the year.”
Over the years, there were plenty of people who inspired Dr Vrinda. “My interaction with scientists and researchers of international repute during my formative years, as lecturer helped me evolve as a researcher as well as a teacher. Their commitment to work, their work ethic and their spirit of inquiry reinforced my belief that a teacher never ceases to learn. Interactions with technocrats also helped in developing time bound commitments.
The success of my initiatives is due to the support of management and all the principals and collaboration of colleagues. Prof. K. S. Rane has been the beacon in my path of research. My research students Rajashri, Sneha and Manisha and my T.Y. B.Sc. project students sincerely worked and contributed in research findings. Work is enjoyment in our college because of active participation of all colleagues.
My family also supported me while undertaking research and administrative responsibilities.”
With regards to the road ahead and future plans, Dr Vrinda says, “Assessing the need to make quick headway in implementation of New Education Policy, upskilling of teachers is required. The College will undertake training faculty to develop the curriculum. Recognising their research, administrative, organising skills and hobbies tasks will be allotted and supported. Transformational NEP will replace redundant learning, memorising and present examination system by recognising the latent talent of students in cultural, sports, literature, research and subjects, mould them, support them to develop their hidden talent.”
Dr Vrinda concludes with a message to aspiring teachers. “I believe that it is important for teachers to widen their academic horizons as knowledge is never static. For this purpose, it is important for teachers to understand the advances that are taking place in the field of education at the national and international level.
Development of next generation is in the hands of teachers, so they should instill values in them along with academics.”