“If I’m passionate about something, I will go all in for it and see it through to the very end”

Radio jockey, singer, compere and writer, Ayesha Barretto speaks of the myriad things that she loves doing.

Ayesha Barretto had a typical childhood like everyone else in Goa. She studied at The Rosary High School, Miramar till the 10th standard, did her higher secondary from Dhempe College of Arts and Science and completed her graduation from Sophia College, Mumbai with a BA in English Literature. She went ahead and pursued a post- graduate diploma in journalism from Dhempe College of Arts & Science, before becoming a professional Radio Jockey.

Describing herself as a ‘tomboy’ who loved climbing trees, wearing shorts riding bikes and exploring deserted cemeteries, Ayesha elaborates on what made her choose RJing as a profession. “It’s a funny story really! Growing up, my dad was away a lot, being in the merchant navy; and as such he would be away for long periods of time at a stretch. Now, given his love for music and the fact that he wanted his kids to recognise his voice when he returned, he started recording cassette tapes of his voice followed by a song dedicated either to my mum, sister, brother or me, and at times, even our dog (whom he called his four legged son)! He would record an entire tape at a time in this manner and send it to us with anyone coming off the ship to India. The first song I remember him dedicating to me was Pretty Young Thing by Michael Jackson and I remember looking at the stereo thinking “I want to be talking out of the music box like papa and playing such cool songs”. And that’s where it all began. And it stayed with me right through to the time when I went to college in Bombay. Luckily for me, private radio stations began to boom at the same time.”

Ayesha describes her early years in the profession as both, tough and easy. Tough because radio stations hadn’t opened up in Goa at that time and easy because with an immense passion for radio, she would do whatever it took to make her dreams come true. “After my graduation, I had to make a choice of living in Mumbai and following my dream or coming home and seeing what I could make of my time in Goa. Sadly, even though I got my dream job there, I was unable to adjust to living in the big city – the daily commute, the crowds and the rat race got the better of me and so I packed up everything I had amassed in my time there and headed home.” Luckily for her, she was able to secure a slot at All India Radio where she was able to put her abilities to test. It was the launch pad she needed and the stepping  stone to getting to where she wanted.

Ayesha is a writer, compere and a singer. She elaborates on juggling the three apart from the life that she has carved for herself on radio. “There are a couple of things you need to know about me; for one, I have never wanted a mundane, predictable, stuckin- a-rut kind of life. Secondly, as long as I’m passionate about something, I will go all in for it and see it through to the very end. Lastly, I have always been a people’s person and gone down paths where I could interact with or connect to the most number of people possible. So writing, singing and compering just checked all these boxes for me.”

She then goes on to speak about the aspects of her work that excite her most. “I think that would have to be the surprising curve balls each avenue of my life brings from live, on air calls taking unexpected turns and keeping me on my toes mentally to interviewing unbelievable individuals both on air and on paper and from the most bizarre song requests to the most inexplicable demands at events, I think I’ve probably seen and done them all! But of course, the cherries on top of it all are the amazing people all my passion projects have allowed me to cross paths with and meet!”

Over the years, Ayesha has hosted various programs and shows, which have brought her in contact with tons of people. “It’s not the programs and shows that I remember; it’s the people. The people who tell me that their outlook or behaviour has changed because of a topic that I’ve discussed or a guest who I’ve had on air; the people who tell me that their night was made all the more special and memorable because I’d been there; and the people who have turned from clients into friends and then family!

Ayesha’s initial choice to do the many myriad things that keep her busy was met by a lot of shock and surprise from her extended family because, as families do, they expected so much more from her. Also, these so called career choices at the time were pretty much unheard of back in the day. But Ayesha’s family backed her up and supported her through thick and thin. “Thankfully, my parents and siblings were super supportive – standing behind me every step of the way, celebrating my every high and pulling me out of my every low. My friends too supported me in more ways than I can count! From giving me quotes for stories that I was writing and leads and contact numbers for people to interview to recommending me for events and showing up at gigs that I was hosting, I could not have asked for better!”

Everybody in the entertainment industry has been affected by the pandemic and the lockdown that followed. Everything that Ayesha loved be it writing, singing and compering came to a full stop. She has been able to continue with her radio show ever day, although for the first two weeks of the lockdown she had to do it from home, and she took her time getting used to it. She elaborates on how things have changed for her after the pandemic. “Things are now starting to change on the first three fronts with people requesting me to host online events, intimate weddings and sing for online gigs and watch parties. So it’s been a series of new challenges, but ones that I’ve welcomed with open arms!” Facing new challenges that the pandemic has brought her way keeps Ayesha excited. She is also looking forward to the day when she can travel again, because that’s her other love apart from everything else that she does. “Also meeting friends from halfway across the world at a new location, exploring new cities and cultures together and making memories that last a lifetime are on my list. Truth be told, the pandemic has taught me to cherish the little plans – like a group video call with friends, pizza night with my nieces or a weekend with my folks, at our ancestral house, playing cards, talking and listening to music”

Ayesha signs off with her success mantra for youngsters. “I honestly believe, to each his or her own. At the end of the day, the only advice I can offer is to just follow your heart and do what you love because that is exactly what will keep you going and push you to do your best, all day, everyday”

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