Answer Computer India Pvt Ltd is thrilled to announce the successful grand opening of its new showroom and gaming cafe in Gogol, Margao, on the 29th of August. The inauguration ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of Nikhil Borkar and Swapna Borkar, Directors of Borkar Packaging Pvt Ltd, who had the honor of lighting the lamp and cutting the ribbon to mark the official opening.
Answer Computer India Pvt Ltd, founded in 1994 by Nitin Sheth, MD, has been a pioneer in IT products and solutions sales and services. With nearly 29 years of experience, the company has been providing exceptional services to SMB companies, educational institutes, and retail customers. The new branch in Margao, Gogol, is a testament to the company’s commitment to expanding its reach and enhancing customer experience.
In 2018, the dynamic Aniruddha Tavildar joined Answer Computer as a director, further strengthening the leadership team in Goa. Over the years, Answer Computer has been honored with more than 25 awards and felicitations from leading tech companies such as Intel, Samsung, Hitachi, HP, Canon, iBall, and more. Notable accolades include the ‘Lord of PC Award’ (2007) by Intel and the ‘Most Innovative Marketing Across South Asia’ (2011) by Intel. The company partners with major brands like Intel, Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, and Asus, ensuring top-notch products and services for its customers.
At Answer Computer, they believe in selling experiences, not just products. The grand opening event was filled with fun, excitement, and celebration, showcasing their latest offerings and exclusive gaming sessions.