Goa will play a big role in world trade

Kamal Morarka is Chairman of World Trade Centre, Mumbai. He was Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office under Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in 1990 to 1991. He was member of Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan in 1988.
Morarka was in Goa recently and held a meeting with Governor of Goa, Satya Pal Malik

World Trade Centre has been in Goa since 2015. What are the milestones of the organisation in the state?
There are more than 300 WTCs around the world. WTC Mumbai is among the top 10% in terms of trade promotion activities and there is a need to grow as a result of which it was decided to promote WTCs in Goa, Jaipur and Bhubaneswar.

What are the national priorities and key programmes that WTC is pursuing?
WTC’s main objective is to promote trade by receiving delegations from other countries and send delegations to foreign countries. We organise a General Economic Summit (GES) every year with the objective to organise B2B meetings where local businesses can benefit. There were 400 B2B meetings last year at the GES.

As chairman of WTC, you made it known that the organisation is looking for land to establish its office in the state? What will be the benefit that the state will derive with WTC?
Yes it is always better to have a place from where you can operate. In Goa we are operating from a rented premises. We look forward towards the State Government to allot us some land where we can have our own office.

How does WTC see Goa as a destination to bring in international trade? What are the key areas of trade and commerce that you plan to focus on?
Goa will play its rightful role in international trade. We are sure if the Centre is functional in Goa it will help local businesses with better opportunities in foreign trade.

Apart from being a politician, you spend considerable time in promoting industry matters…

I am from an industrial family. I have given up active participation in business since 1988 when I was elected to the Rajya Sabha. I am not involved in active management of any company. I spend my time in political, social and community activities. I do wild life photography and do rural development work through an NGO in Rajasthan.

There is talk of a downward spiral in the national economy. What corrective measures do you suggest to meet this challenging atmosphere?
Yes the economic downturn in the country is quite apparent. The trust deficit between business community and government has to be corrected. Today there is no trust between the business community, banks and government.

Goa’s economy has been curtailed due to the ban on mining. Do you think the parliament and apex court will allow resumption? Your comments…
Mining is a sensitive issue. Ideally the State Government / Assembly should come up with a solution taking into consideration all stake holders. Only then mining can resume


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