Ramkrishna ‘Sudin’ Dhavalikar, Minister for Power and Renewable Energy, said that tender inviting bids to set up charging stations for green vehicles will be floated within a month as the process for the same has been started. The problem faced by motorists having electric vehicles with there not being sufficient charging stations in the state, he said would be taken care of if these were set up at three kilometer intervals. Subsequently, the extra charging stations will also be helpful when electric buses and heavy duty vehicles become the norm, he said. Stating that many people have purchased electric vehicles, including his Department, he said those who have to travel short distances should buy electric vehicles. He added that the subsidy scheme for e-vehicles will not be stopped. An allocation of Rs. 15 crores was made in the budget speech by the Chief Minister for the subsidy and out of this Rs. 7 crores is yet to be disbursed. He added that more power charging stations have to be set up across the state. With Goa being a small state, bigger companies were unwilling to invest in the state. To overcome the hurdle, the state will offer locals the opportunity to invest in and set up charging stations as was done in the case of units to issue pollution under control (PUC) certificates.