Deepak Bandekar, new Chairman of GMA, speaks to Business Goa on his plans for the organisation
GMA is a forum of management professionals in Goa and is involved in furthering management knowledge, promoting and developing management talent and professionals in the region. GMA provides a forum for managers for interchange of knowledge, experience and ideas at various management development programmes, lectures and functions.
GMA was founded in 1975 and will complete 50 years in June 2025. All the major contemporary enterprises and business houses of that time participated wholeheartedly in this organisation and gave the much-needed impetus to this initiative which could promote debate in the body of management knowledge and provide professional training to managers and promote scientific management.
GMA has been conducting various management developments and training programmes since its inception, including conducting various Knowledge Lecture series. In order to promote and recognise managerial talent, GMA has constituted the Management Awards every year, which are given in four categories; Manager of the Year, Young Manager of the Year, Best Management Student – Undergraduate and Post-graduate; and other awards to recognise contribution to management and industry.
GMA is proud to be affiliated to the All India Management Association (AIMA), based in New Delhi.
Elaborate on your experience in the corporate sector and entrepreneurship over the years.
Coming from a long established industrial house, I entered the business fraternity as the fourth generation product. The sector at my time of entry was primarily iron ore mining and exports. It was a sudden and deep plunge for me straight out of engineering and business school.
The sector then was very mature, well organised and at its peak with exports to China sky rocketing. Dealing with mining issues at State and Centre were always a challenge, which only gave me more experience and exposure to grow in the corporate world. From there, our Group diversified in tourism and hospitality, acquiring and operating hotels and homestays across Goa. While in the good days of mining and tourism; our Group also diversified into helicopter tourism, a never before attempted entrepreneurial venture in Goa. We then spread our wings to Pune and Mumbai. My recent entrepreneurial venture has been into film making and film production. And with OTT channels like Netflix and Amazon Prime being the new age need of the hour entertainment platforms, there is a world of opportunities in this creative space.
Who is part of your team at GMA and what strengths do they bring to the table?
At GMA, we are a very diverse and unique team, coming from all walks of life, with varied experiences and exposures. We have our President Blaise Costabir Managing Director GMI Zarhak Moulders Pvt. Ltd. as our guiding light. My immediate core team consists of Vice Chairman Rajesh Mehrotra. Managing Director, Berger Becker Coatings Pvt. Ltd., who brings in his long experience in the manufacturing sector. Secretary Rohan Bhandare, Proprietor R S Bhandare & Associates who is a Chartered Accountant, brings key financial and economic knowledge to the group. Treasurer Virendra Acharya, Treasury Head V M Salgaocar & Bro Pvt. Ltd; and Immediate Past Chairman Amin Ladak, ex-Fomento Group.
Besides the above, we have our educational team consisting of Dr Venkatesh Naga, Professor and Dean (Academics), Goa Institute of Management; Dr Prita D Mallya, Principal, Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics; Dr Sonya K Angle, Assistant Professor, S S Dempo College of Commerce and Economics; among others.
A special mention goes to Vivekanand Faldesai, Consultant LIC of India, Goa who has been a member at GMA for many years, and continues to support GMA in many ways. So also G B Halkar, labour consultant who is presently heading a very unique project for us called ‘Silverhair Economy’.
My vision for GMA will not be complete and possible without the support, guidance and mentoring of its Past Chairmen like Dr Krishna Gopal Rajanala, General Manager – HR, Dempo Group of Companies; Dr Pradeep Salgaonkar, Director Saldots Academy; and Harshvardhan Bhatkuly, Chairman, Bhatkuly Ventures.
What are the various projects that you have envisaged in the near future?
GMA has stood tall as the forum where there has always been a constant interchange of knowledge, experience and ideas. Our projects are all aimed keeping this ethos in mind. We have recently signed MOUs with nine BBA colleges across Goa, where students will get to connect with management professionals and business gurus, as a part of their learning process in their business studies syllabus. The very next big event in this direction is the Shaping Young Minds Program (SYMP), a flagship event of AIMA scheduled in February 2023.
Then we have our own flagship program called Certified Manager Program (CMP) which is designed to enhance managerial and leadership skills, and develop managers who want to take up higher challenges. The CMP is designed to meet the needs of organisations that seek to enhance the managerial acumen of their key frontline performers. It is a 6-month programme having modules covering management functions and processes, and admissions for our next batch of GMA CMP will commence soon. We have yet another interesting project in the pipeline called ‘Silverhair Economy.’ It is the brainchild of our President Blaise Costabir, and it is presently being spearheaded by G B Halkar. Today, we have many fit and experienced individuals who retire and very often return to their motherland. They are brimming with confidence, unique experience and the much needed skill sets.
This project will strive to connect retired individuals (hence the name Silverhair) who may be retired but never tired to work and be back in the game. GMA has plans to connect these individuals with MSME in Goa, so that their experience can be utilised for the betterment of Goan MSME and the MSME can have access to a talent pool that can advise or ever work hands on, part time or full time.
Not only will this keep such individuals active post retirement, but it will help impart their immense knowledge, skills, expertise and experience to whichever industry or corporate that may need to fill the void in their operations. Presently we are in the process of compiling such a database before facilitating the marriage between industry and available skilled professionals.
Explain to us the synergy between GMA & AIMA
The All India Management Association, New Delhi (AIMA) is the national apex body of the management profession in India. GMA is a one of the 67 affiliate LMA’s (Local Management Association) affiliated to AIMA.
AIMA partners with GMA on various fronts in facilitating GMA to realise their full potential in management development. AIMA has always been assisting GMA whenever the need arises to scout for talent, speakers, etc for events, including some key flagship events of AIMA like Shaping Young Minds Program (SYMP), while the next edition will be held in February 2023. The SYMP provides a platform for young professionals and management students to interact with iconic leaders from various fields, where these leaders talk about their lives, their successes and more importantly – their failures.
GMA and Goa is especially proud and honoured to have our very own son of the soil, Shrinivas V Dempo Chairman and Managing Director of Dempo Group, head All India Management Association as the President for this term.
What is your focus on management education in the state?
Management should not be looked at only as an education, but rather, an art. And art can only become a masterpiece with practice and constant improvements. Most management institutions in Goa have a very extensive and thoroughly crafted syllabus, and they are doing a commendable job in bringing out good management students. However, what is generally missing is a more of hands -on holistic approach once fresh students join mainstream work and managerial positions in organisations. At GMA, we strive to be such a connect via our various MOUs and partnerships with BBA Colleges, as well as exposing them to firsthand knowledge of the successes and failures in the corporate world, via our knowledge series, Leader Talks events and of course, the much informative SYMP program of AIMA.
What is your vision for GMA as it marches towards its 50th year in 2025?
We need to further strengthen the connect with the industry and corporate world. GMA needs to offer industry-oriented programmes and initiatives to help management professionals and students keep in step with times.
We need to be that facilitator for individuals and organisations, especially MSMEs to realise their full potential. We need to offer various services in the areas of skill development and training, research, education and management development programmes. And of course, my personal vision is winning awards for GMA’s achievements at AIMA’s annual award functions, which should be every Chairman’s vision and dream.
How is GMA’s association and relation with other trade and industry bodies and how would you like to build bridges with them?
GMA has traditionally had very good relations with other organisations like Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Tourism and Travel Association of Goa (TTAG), Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association (GMOEA), Goa State Industries Association (GSIA), Indian Institution of Engineers (IIE), National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), etc.
But our aim is to further strengthen this connect and create a bond, mutually beneficial to both, by collaborating on issues like skills development, policy advocacy and other key areas.
We would also like to have inter body memberships among these various associations, so that it has a positive impact, both on GMA as well as other trade and industry bodies.
How are you building connect with the industry to further the aims and objectives of GMA?
Industry connect will come from a mutual win-win for both. Having projects like our Certified Managers Program and the soon to be launched Silverhair Economy Project, will bring in a lot of benefit to industry. So also, our flagship programs like the Leader Talks events will bring tremendous insights into entrepreneurship and good corporate governance for industries and organisations.
All this, coupled with GMA’s affiliation to AIMA, thereby indirectly benefiting from their national events, should further facilitate building strong connects with the industry and GMA in the years ahead.