SYBIL RODRIGUES catches up with AMIN LADAK, Chairman of Goa Management Association, who speaks about his leadership role and shares with us the highlights of his work at GMA, as his tenure comes to a close
How would you rate the two years gone by under your chairmanship at GMA?
These two years were very challenging as we were right in the middle of the pandemic. I took over as Chairman on a virtual handover by my past Chairman. Though some meetings took place virtually, as and when we got gaps we hosted physical meetings and programs.
Much as people got used to things being done virtually, it just didn’t have the right kind of punch. After things began settling down and people got used to the fact that we have to live with covid, we began having programs in person. As soon as we got an opportunity, we took it up very seriously and apart from our regular programs like ‘Leader Speak’, we also went in for debates on next generation leaders of the industry and transforming the economy from pre-covid to post-covid world. We also had a threadbare analysis of the New Educational Policy and a debate on Goa’s Budget. GMA also conducted the flagship program of the All India Management Association (AIMA), ‘Shaping Young Minds’.
Two of these programs were relayed virtually; and thanks to the connect that we enjoy with educational institutions, especially the BBA colleges, we could gather a large viewership for the programs. This time, we are having a physical program of ‘Shaping Young Minds’ which will be scheduled for the term of the next Chairman, Deepak Bandekar.
We already have in position an MoU signed with eight BBA colleges and by 15th of September this year we will have the balance three colleges under our MoU.
There is a lot that can be done with management students in Goa because we become the first contact with industry professionals and that gives them a straight advantage to interact and know senior members of the management industry. Whenever there are interviews for such students, we can connect them directly to such professionals and many of them have been able to secure jobs due to this connect. This is a welcome thing but I still feel we can do more. We have got three sub-committees and all three of them are pursuing and aiming for stronger connects with the industry.

Amin Ladak, Venkatesh Naga and Pradeep Salgaonkar at Goa Institute of Management
What are your views about the last few years at GMA?
GMA is the only professional body in the true sense. We are hardcore professional managers who have, by choice, come together to spend time and conduct programs for the industry and academia. That is what we can give back to society.
What was the primary focus of GMA during your term as Chairman?
As a tradition, the GMA continues with the legacy of the past Chairmen. The programs conducted by us like Leader Speak have been our forte. In fact during our past Chairman’s era, we conducted various programs but unfortunately during my time we were restricted due to the pandemic. We felt that these programs are more suitable to be conducted in the physical mode rather than virtually. But nonetheless, we did quite a number of sessions both physically and virtually which has had lasting impressions on the performance of the GMA in the last two years despite the pandemic. Some key events were a talk by Shiv Shivakumar on the topic Looking Ahead, GAFA Digital Economy and Challenges Ahead; Panel Discussion on Tourism in Goa: Building Back Better; Management Day Celebrations; GMA Knowledge Series talk by Jinesh Shah; Lecture by Major Maroof Raza; inaugural function of Certified Manager Programme; a talk by Walter Vieira in association with Goa Chamber; and a talk by Atul Pai Kane, in association with Goa Institute of Management.

Dhond felicitating management guru Walter Vieira
What legacy programs have you continued from your predecessors?
We have had our annual program of Leader Speak where we get a senior member of the industry who talks about his life and his growth in the industry. We had some very interesting personalities like late Victor Albuquerque, Sundar Advani, who spoke at length about their management journey and others business ideas.
Where do you see GMA in a year from now?
GMA has got a very good structure and excellent committee members. I have no doubt that with a little bit of a push, we can go back to the glorious days of GMA where we would conduct one program per month in the physical mode, specially for the industry.
During your term, how have you connected with the industry to further the aims and objectives of the organisation?
Goa’s key industries include hospitality, pharma, engineering and mining. Mining has been low key since 2012 though there are a lot of expectations that things will improve. Pharma was the one industry that got a leg up during the pandemic. The engineering units have picked up their operations in Goa. FMCG is another industry that is doing well, along with finance and banking. The tourism industry has come back with a vengeance and as we speak Mopa Airport has had a test runway which augurs well for this industry. We will have plenty of tourists flooding Goa which is a good sign for the economy of the State and bodes well for us. We had a pleasant connect with all these industries and as and when we got in touch with them for our various programs and events there was always a welcome situation where they were keen to partner with us. The pharma industry was quite prominent players for us during my tenure.

What is your opinion on management education in the State?
I was pleasantly surprised when connecting with the BBA colleges to get them on-board the GMA. There are eleven BBA colleges in the State and I feel today, the shift is from B.Com to BBA. Students would rather take up BBA which has other subjects that adds value to the program as well as overall development of the student.
What is your vision for GMA as it marches towards its 50th year in 2025?
We could do a lot of programs. Goa is a small State and with the support of our patrons from the industry. We will chalk out a golden jubilee event befitting GMA and AIMA (our parent organisation).
How is GMA’s association and relation with other trade industries and bodies and how have you built bridges with them as Chairman?
The other advocacy bodies that are in Goa like CII, GCCI, TTAG and professional bodies like Institute of Engineers and NIPM have an excellent relationship with us. Fortunately, I am a member of GCCI and CII. It takes a little extra effort in attending these programs so that we can connect with them and lot of people have recognised and realised that we are using this connection to extend our membership reach to the industry which has given us a positive impact and we will have plenty of members from various sections of the industry. The more members that we have, the more enthusiastic we will be in conducting events, programs and showcase what we are doing as a premier management body in Goa.