Saraswat Entrepreneurs from across India and the globe converged in Goa for their annual conclave to create business networking opportunities

Global Chamber of Saraswat Entrepreneurs’ Annual Conclave was recently held in Goa. More than 300 dynamic Saraswat entrepreneurs from across India and a few from abroad attended the conclave.
Saraswat Chamber provides a platform to its community entrepreneurs to grow their business by creating business networking opportunities.
“Saraswats are considered as Sadhaks of Goddess Saraswati from generations. It gives them opportunities to worship Goddess Lakshmi through this community initiative of the chamber”, said Siddharth Sinkar, President of Global Chamber of Saraswat Entrepreneurs.
The conclave was attended by many Saraswat stalwarts. Suresh Prabhu, former Union Minister addressed the gathering by emphasising the need of networking.
The Chief Guest was Shrinivas Dempo from The House of Dempo. He explained the connection of all Saraswats towards their ‘Kuldaiwata’ as a natural binding amongst its community. “This will act as a guiding force in the coming years to Saraswat Chamber”. He also offered a special welcome to all the delegates who have come from their ‘Karma Bhoomi’ to the ‘Daiva Bhoomi’ to be part of the conclave.
The Keynote speaker was Ulhas Kamath, former Joint MD Jyoti Labs and the founder of UK & Co. He presented few data points on the challenges faced by the family businesses in India and what steps are needed to ensure to remain relevant as entrepreneurs in this fast changing world. Kamath also shared that the job availability at the middle level will disappear and only top and bottom opportunities will be available, as technology will take over most of the middle level jobs. “The community has to be ready for this challenge by becoming job givers rather than job seekers”, he added. He also urged the community to develop more women entrepreneurs to have more sustainability in businesses.
Saraswat Bank was the principal sponsor of this event. Gautam Thakur, Chairman Saraswat Bank, delivered a rousing speech ensuring constant support for all the events of Saraswat Chamber. He also promised that the bank will discuss on aligning with the chamber in developing project funding options to the members of the chamber.
On this occasion, there were felicitations of all those Saraswats who have made their mark and well established themselves in their entrepreneurial journey spread across different regions including Mumbai, Goa, Mangalore, Bangalore and Udupi. To name a few, Saraswat Bank SVC Cooperative Bank, NKGSB Bank, Shrinivas Dempo, Daji Salkar (MLA), Audhut Timblo (Fomento Group), Shekar Sardessai (Kineco Group), Pravas Naik (Nanu Group), Dattaraj Salgaonkar (V.M. Salgaocar Corporation), Shivanand Salgaonkar (VIMSON), Manoj Caculo (Caculo Group), Anil Counto (Alcon Anil Counto Enterprise), Jagmohan Kaul (Verispring), Giridhar Prabhu (Achal Group), Bhushan Namlekar, R S Shanbhag (Value Point), Pradeep G Pai (Hangyo), Subhash Kamath (Abharan Jewellers), Dr Ushaprabha Nayak (Expert Group), Devendra Parulekar (Saffron Stays), Swarna Jewellers. Aditi Kare Panandiker and Sandeep Bambolkar of Indoco Remedies.
There were also interesting business sessions on finance for business which had the experts from banks. Gautam Thakur of Saraswat Bank Anand Devidas Taggarsi CGM from SVC Bank, Santosh Borkar DGM of NKGSB Bank and the finance expert CA Amit Pandith, while the session was moderated by CA M N Pai from Mangalore.
The second session on building value in the business had entrepreneurs like Aditi Kare Panandikar from Indoco Remedies, Jagmohan Kaul VeriSpring Group, Devendra Parulekar of Saffron Stays, Shekar Sardessai of Kineco and was moderated by Amit Rangnekar of Centaur Labs.
CA Siddharth Sinkar, chief of the Global Saraswat Chamber, shared about the upcoming initiatives for the members of the chamber.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Pravin Kakode. The conclave was compered by Mohit Bhende and Vathika Pai