The Indian Retail sector has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-growing sectors due to entry of several new players in the recent times along with rising income levels, growing aspirations, favourable demographics, and easy credit availability. The retail sector in Goa is also growing but there is a severe scarcity of trained staff as colleges in Goa are not offering fully fledged retail curriculum
GCCI past President, Manoj M Caculo along with Chairman of GCCI Retail Trade Committee Hari Kaul and Director General Sanjay Amonkar called on the Vice Chancellor of Goa University Dr. Harilal Menon and discussed the modalities to have an all inclusive independent curriculum for the retail sector. The Dean of Goa Business School Dr Dayanand and Dr. Sudarshan were also present
Caculo informed that 8% of India’s total employment is contributed by retail sector. However there are no formal structured courses in Goa teaching Retail Trade management. With the retail sector gaining importance and many retail chains entering Goa the employment opportunities are limited for Goans as most of the staff is picked from outside Goa due to lack of formal courses in the State. The retail sector contributes to almost 10% of India’s GDP ($250 Billion per annum). He further added that raw staff had to be trained by the local retail chains in Goa which took considerable time, effort and due to the competitive nature of the sector the attrition rate was high.
The Vice Chancellor Dr Menon said that the university would certainly look into introduction of Retail Management in the curriculum at the Bachelors level. He appealed to the colleges in Goa to come forward to introduce Retail in their basket of courses. With huge international chains like IKEA already opening stores in India this sector will be in focus for prospective candidates he added.
Hari Kaul said that the overall Indian retail sector is expected to grow around 9-10% every year for the next 5 year as per Government of India Estimates. The unorganised sector accounts for 88% of the retail market with organised retail at 12%. He said the GCCI is working towards supporting the local retailers in terms of operational efficiency, expanding the reach and quality of service aspect. The Government of India is shortly launching ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce). This system will have multiple choices for both retailers and customers in terms of cataloguing, inventories, warehousing, suppliers, logistics, and payments. This will be available for all retailers and will them to compete with e-commerce giants. GCCI is also planning training courses for local retailers he added.
Dr Dayanand stressed on the “attitude” aspect of the retailers. It’s a buyers’ market now and we need to adapt to it. The Past generation had a monopoly which has diluted over the years. The new concepts of the retail trade need to be taught to the new generation which will make them market ready.
The Vice Chancellor Dr Menon invite GCCI to join the Board of Studies as a special invitee to draw up the structure and syllabus on Retail Management.
Caculo also informed that GCCI had presented a draft on “Retail Policy for Goa” to the state Government in 2019. This policy encompasses all aspects of retail trade in Goa, and also includes the current situation, the hurdles faced, the solutions, and the way forward. The policy encourages skill development, will create more business and employment opportunities
A team from GCCI consisting of Director Pallavi Arondekar and Sanhita Naik met the Director of Industries Trade & Commerce, Swetika Sachan IAS and handed over a copy of the Draft Retail Policy for Goa prepared by GCCI. Sachan has assured to look into the same and draw up a formal policy shortly. GCCI Retail Trade Committee will support the Government in this initiative.