Farmers call off protest after CM’s assurance of restarting Sanjivani

The sugarcane farmers called off their strike after Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant assured them that the Sanjivani sugar factory will be restarted by next year.

A delegation of sugarcane farmers met the Chief Minister with their demands.

The delegation later informed the farmers who were protesting at Azad Maidan that they had decided to call off the protest after assurance from the Chief Minister.

They also said that Dr Sawant had firmly told them to start cultivating sugarcane immediately.

Sawant also assured them that by March-April this year, the contract for redevelopment of the Sanjivani sugar factory under public-private partnership mode for setting up of the ethanol project as the tender for request for proposal has already been issued by the agriculture department.

The Chief Minister informed that the government has been providing compensation to these farmers for the last three years and they will also receive their compensation for the remaining two years. The farmers had started the protest outside the Sanjivani sugar factory last week. However, as the government failed to take cognizance; they shifted their protest to Azad Maidan-Panaji

The police had also detained the farmers and the activists who were supporting the protest when they tried to march towards the Chief Minister’s residence.

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