On our 14th anniversary, we take a look at some entrepreneurs whose grit and determination made them explore unchartered paths and turned their dreams into reality

When it comes to setting up a business first you have to Dream, then you have to Dare and finally you must Deliver.
After all of this you have to Deconstruct so you can look back on your journey with a sense of nostalgia and the lessons that you have learnt when you set out on your path to accomplish your goal.
When we were putting together our anniversary issue of successful entrepreneurs we brainstormed for a cover title that would sum up the story of each of them in four words and that is how we came up with Dream, Dare, Deliver and Deconstruct.
Whether it is a seasoned businessperson or someone who just decided to give entrepreneurship a shot based on some whim, they each had a vision of what their goal was and the destination they wanted to reach. Then they Dared to go for it irrespective of the challenges, hurdles, setbacks and various stumbling blocks with only one objective in mind – Deliver.
They had to deliver on their dream and have settled for nothing less. Those who have gone down this well-trodden path have Deconstructed their journey in a bid to offer budding entrepreneurs a few words of wisdom.
It is this spirit of entrepreneurship that we wanted to celebrate by dedicating our 14th anniversary issue to these exemplary people, who worked against the odds to build their businesses and make a name for themselves based solely on their dreams.


“Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no one’s monopoly” DHIRUBHAI AMBANI

Only dreamers dream big. They dream of a world where anything is possible and take action to make their dreams a reality.
“I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams,” said Oprah Winfrey,
Dreaming is about pushing yourself to be the best person you can be because you know that there is more out there for you if you are willing to put in the work.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson.
No dreamer has achieved their goal without dreaming big. You need that vision of an ultimate goal to push yourself through those moments – and if your dream is coming true one step at a time, then it is all worth it.
Dreaming big serves as a resource of great ideas for your business and it motivates you to put more effort into what you are doing.

Dhirubhai Ambani’s story of a village boy who went on to capture the imagination of the nation is proof that dreaming big works. “Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper. And our efforts greater,” Ambani said.
“Entrepreneurs are different from ‘inventors’ – dreaming is a necessary but not a sufficient virtue,” says Sanjay Nath of Blume Ventures
It is when you have the picture of what you want to do that you start making plans to make it happen. It is never too late to dream big. It does not matter when you start dreaming, it only matters that you dream and then make those dreams a reality.
Founders like Ray Kroc took ahead the McDonald’s dream when he was in his 50s; irrespective that he had suffered
a series of business failures. You are going to dream no matter what you do in your life, so make those dreams so big that you can attract others who are amazed by your visions and goals. Success is drawn to those who are actively pursuing it.

The men and women that we have featured here don’t dream small nor do they think mediocre. They are seeking to move the needle in their businesses – or the decimal point in their accounts – every day.
“If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution,” reflects Jeff Bezos of Amazon.
That is why they are successful – they created the dream they believe in and are actively making it a reality.

Give yourself time and see your dream come to reality- Vijay Thomas,Founder & CEO, Tangentia

There is no specific strategy or cookbook that Tangentia followed to get to where it is now “a trusted digital transformation company for companies globally.”

Vijay Thomas

The North Star that was always guiding us was that we wanted to become a long term trusted partner for our
customers by making sure that we kept abreast of the latest technology trends and mastered the application of this technology to make an impact on our customer’s business. It did help that we got lucky and had some major customer wins like Jaguar Land Rover, Suncor, Whirlpool, Reliance Retail and more; and eventually more companies started to trust us. Success begets success, I guess, but you have to have perseverance and resilience to hang in there until the success cycle kicks in.
I believe that thinking big and dreaming big is important but if your dream is like an elephant then the only way to
eat an elephant is “one bite at a time”. This is a key piece of advice that I want the younger generation to really take to heart. Speed is important but building a company or trying to achieve your dream takes time and you need to give yourself time even Rome was not built in a day.

Relentlessly chase excellence- Deepak Bandekar, Founder-CEO, Big Banner Entertainment & Media LLP

Deepak Bandekar

When I hear the word ‘success’ in any context, it reminds me of a dialogue from the famous Bollywood movie, Three Idiots (starring Aamir Khan); he says, “Don’t run behind success. Chase excellence, and success will come chasing you.”
With this, my first core principle to any form of success would be Excellence. Whatever you do, big or small, complex or simple, of high value or low, do it with passion, perfection and precision. And this must be a lifelong effort everyday of your life. My second core principle would be Love and Passion. Loving what you do is sometimes more important than Doing what you Love. Not everyone in the world gets lucky to be able to Do what they Love. Hence one must Love what they Do, with passion. My third and most vital core principle in life would be Integrity and Honesty. Choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than on gains. Your integrity is what finally defines your karma. You may be free to choose, but you are never free from the consequences of your choices. Today, the business world is changing and with its evolution has come a need for transition.
Leadership is never about a title or a position; but about one life influencing another. Today’s New Age potential leaders first need to realise that leadership is more about team-work and not only hard-work. Commanding (earning it) respect is more important than demanding respect from the youth of today. Having seen the business world change technologically and commercially over the past 20 years, my bucket list of advice to new age leaders would be to pursue the following skills: Be Innovative, Be Flexible, Be Inspiring, Be Persistent, Be Honest, Be Focused.
But first, clearly define your vision for yourself and use the above skills to achieve it.

Dream big… and adapt- Rajkumar Kamat, Executive Director, BNI Goa

In tune with my personal mission of employment generation through entrepreneurial growth, I pursued the ‘BNI Dream’. I faced several challenges.
Firstly, it was difficult to convince people to attend morning meetings, as it was unheard of and it was too early for many people, with majority of them having duties of dropping off their children to school at that time. BNI, on the other hand, is strict about time and attendance. To address this, we adjusted the sequence so that breakfast was served first, followed by the meeting. This helped take care of their home responsibilities and still be in time for the formal meetings. Later, of course, we slowly evolved to the normal sequence.
Secondly, I noticed that many entrepreneurs lacked ambition and a growth mindset, which hindered their progress and BNI focuses on business growth. However, when we counselled more entrepreneurs and made them aware of the opportunities that can be created by simple actions and effective networking, a convincing spark was ignited within them and they truly became a ‘part’ of BNI.

Rajkumar Kamat

Our first chapter in Goa was established with 21 members. Today, we are 14 chapters and nearly 850 members strong. Thanks to the Regional team established in 2012 and their dedication, we were able to overcome the challenge of growing BNI as an organisation and achieve our impressive presence. Achieving our goal of helping 1000+ members’ generate 1000+ crores of business is just round the corner. We are now looking forward to a bigger goal as we move ahead.
Moving forward, we have several missions that I would like to pursue along with the team, not only through BNI but also through other initiatives. Firstly, we aim to spark more interest and involvement of women and youth in entrepreneurship, while also supporting new entrepreneurs to find their foothold in the market and towards improving employability by advocating for apprenticeship and internship programs through the Business Voices initiative of the BNI Foundation and Laghu Udyog Bharati.
Secondly, BNI itself will be helping micro and small enterprises to grow to the next level and generate substantial
employment. Parag Loliyekar and Andre Shackleton, as Area Directors, are going tobe instrumental in taking this
initiative forward. Lastly, we seek to facilitate the growth of businesses from small and medium sized entities by enabling exports support through Vibrant Goa and SME IPOs through Laghu Udyog Bharati. These efforts will help entrepreneurs leapfrog and take their businesses to the next level. Thus, we will be able to impact even more entrepreneurs and enrich many lives.

Everything begins with an idea- Gautam Verlekar, Founder, Saltwater Sutra

SaltwaterSutra, though a boutique investment bank with global activities, has its roots in Goa because of its founding team. Though our Mumbai/ Pune, US and Singapore offices contribute largely to our business, we have a bias towards this beautiful state of Goa.
Being a Goan boy and the urgent need for the State to have conscious and sustainable development, it is our belief that a Goa focussed Investment Fund driving this ethos is important.

Gautam Verlekar

We are in the process of building the absorption ecosystem of innovative businesses across Goa, and also attracting newer ones into the state which ascribe innovation, sustainability and improvement in lives of people as the core characteristics. With global learning, experience and reach, building of a financial layer on top of it will eventually happen over time as we gear our strengths towards it.
Everything first begins by conceptualising an idea and then dreaming of actualising it. Such a reality comes with risks. However, any act of entrepreneurship needs to be driven by certain core factors, like ambition, innovation plus finally an honest view to create a broader impact over society/ lives of other people. Once these are clear, risk taking
becomes just one element of an enterprise and doesn’t create ‘the loss proposition’. This is because an entrepreneur who has nothing to lose always wins.
All potential entrepreneurs need to understand that ‘risk’ is something that drives growth, innovation and the enterprise itself. Thus, embracing risk and thriving in the environment of risk is what makes it worth it in the end.
Once they have embraced the same, an entrepreneur is always able to find a solution. All solutions might not be ideal, but they enable the core idea of the enterprise to constantly survive and grow.
All in all, risk management makes disproportionate gains a distinct possibility.

Rajasi Dhavalikar

From love for fabrics to building Cottons Daily- Rajasi Dhavalikar, Cottons Daily 

My journey as an entrepreneur began with a profound love for fabrics and sarees, coupled with an unwavering passion to bring these exquisite pieces of art to every corner of the country. This zeal led me to start my own venture, Cottons Daily, a dream that was nurtured since childhood. From a young age, I knew I wanted to work for my own idea and run my own business. I was captivated by the idea of creating something unique and impactful, and that dream only grew stronger as I grew older. Venturing into the e-commerce space was a natural step to expand Cottons
Daily and make it accessible to a broader audience. However, entering the online marketplace came with its own set of challenges. Operational hurdles such as managing return orders, streamlining delivery times, and competing with
established e-commerce giants posed significant obstacles. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that facing challenges is an essential part of any business’ growth and survival. It pushed me to continuously evolve and adapt to the everchanging dynamics of the online market. To establish a successful online platform for Cottons Daily, I had to foster a more flexible approach to handling operations. Embracing a research-oriented and continuously planning mindset became crucial in overcoming these hurdles and achieving our goals. With dedication and determination, Cottons Daily thrived in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and an extensive range of authentic, handpicked sarees allowed us to carve a unique identity in the online marketplace.


“Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without deep thought and hard work” J.R.D. TATA

Daring is a powerful state of being which inspires and energises you to take bold leaps outside of your comfort zone. It empowers you to become your most creative and successful self. It makes anything feel possible, and what’s more it makes change and growth feel fun. “Often, in the real world, it is not the smart that get ahead but the bold,” says Robert Kiyosaki, author of the leading self-help book, Rich Dad Poor Dad.
One of the most underestimated parts of becoming a successful entrepreneur is increasing your level of daring. You can read a thousand books on business or listen to hundreds of podcasts, and very rarely will you come across or hear daring even mentioned; but it is a critical character trait to possess if you want to build an extraordinary business.
They say there is huge competition in the business world. But those who dare often beg to differ. When you take daring actions, consistently, over a period of time you will soon have very little direct competition. “Make bold
choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become,” says Hollywood diva Angelina Jolie.
Most people are scared of doing anything really different, and you will stand out hugely from your competitors.
Being daring at first seems  like the tough road to walk along, but it is actually much safer than taking the so called
‘safe’ road. To be daring, you need to go against the grain of conventional thinking, expose yourself to unprecedented risks, ignore the skeptics and follow your dreams and passions.
Being bold and daring is also walking the fine rope of being cavalier and careless. For business, sporting analogy works wonders, “Be bold. If you’re going to make an error, make a doozy, and don’t be afraid to hit the ball,” said Billie Jean King, America’s former world No. 1 women’s tennis player. King won 39 Grand Slam titles by adopting a bold style in sport.
Every aspiring entrepreneur or pioneer has the power to leave an imprint on society and within their
industry sector for future generations to come. “A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” said John Maxwell, author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.
The men and women in this list have dared to go against all norms and have come out victorious proving the age old adage of ‘Fortune favours the Brave.’

Our genes are firmly rooted to take bold decisions- Shekhar Sardessai, Founder & MD, Kineco Group

There have been many bold decisions taken by Kineco over the last nearly three decades. The ones which stand out are those which also gave us maximum pain but were also turning points in our journey. First was the decision to invest and develop multi axis filament winding technology in India. Today this technology is one of the backbones of our defence and space business. A 2-crore investment in 2001 was indeed, a stretch but in the end it paiddividends.
The second was Skybus. Although this project did not achieve commercial success and we had to write off substantial money spent on Research and Development (R&D), it became a flag bearer of Kineco brand and helped us conceive many applications in railways. Today, railway is our largest business vertical and the new patented products born out of our organic R&D initiatives, the launch of Kineco Global Rail brand and winning of the prestigious Vande Bharat project are the fruits that came from the one seed called ‘Skybus’ that was planted way back in 2003.

Shekhar Sardessai

From 2004 to 2006, despite the setback in the skybus project, we invested substantially in developing aerospace capability with setting up of a new plant. It was well ahead of its time and hence that business kept bleeding up until 2012. However, the skill sets and know-how that we developed over this time was formidable and this led to Kineco Kaman joint venture and the rest is history. With this JV and investment that came in, the business turned around and today this business is the pride of the Indian composite industry.
The recent success with the Chandrayaan project is one among many achievements of Kineco Kaman – but all this would not have been possible if we did not have the foresight to take the first step in 2004 of investing in an autoclave technology which is the core to our aerospace business.
Our genes are firmly rooted in taking bold decisions. However, given that we have created substantial value in Kineco as a brand and as an enterprise, our decisions going into the future will continue to be bold and brisk but not brash – what I mean is they will be well calibrated with risk mitigation measures in place.
Over the next two years, we will be investing in wind energy composites, and hydrogen fuel tank development. These
are high-level technology and investments in intensive businesses with solid longterm potential and Kineco, as
always will be an early mover in this market to create and harness market leadership opportunities.

We bounced back by betting on our own brand- Atul Pai Kane, Chairman & Managing Director, Power Engineering (India) Pvt Ltd

Atul Pai Kane

Atul Pai Kane is the Chairman and Managing Director of Power Engineering Pvt Ltd, India which was established
during the year 1989. He owns Pai Kane Group that manufactures a wide range of engineering products.
The Group’s venture began with the building of their first diesel genset that was put together in a garage back in 1989. For this anniversary issue, we asked Atul what was the most audacious decision undertaken. This is what he
had to say: “Between 2003 and 2009 we were contract manufacturing generator sets for Kirloskar Oil engines Ltd (KOEL) and Eicher Tractors Ltd. We were manufacturing about 5000 gensets per annum of which about 3600 were for these two companies. In 2009, Eicher decided to move away from us and KOEL decided to change its business model, moving away from the contract manufacturing.
We had in a single shot lost 65% of our business and volume. That is when we took a decision to launch gensets under our own brand, widen our range to go beyond that Kirloskar range of product and expand our geographical
presence. We were operating in a market with corporates from western India as our end users, besides the Goan market.
When we went into exports, we expanded our funnel size to at least 15 times that of the markets that we served before. 13 years later we are still standing. Our Pai Kane brand has good recognition in over seventy countries across the globe, we did an acquisition in 2018 and have won the ‘Highest Exporter Award’ unfailingly since 2016. That was the biggest gamble and it paid off”

Redefining real estate with diligence and passion- Tanmay Kholkar Founder, Manas Developers

Tanmay Kholkar

As you are aware, I am a firstgeneration entrepreneur. So, every decision is my own and taken after a lot of thought and conviction. One decision which has made Manas Developers redefine the real estate landscape in Goa was to be innovative, progressive and to stay away from being monotonous. My intent and wish is to make every project  created by Manas Developers, a landmark by itself. Our clients are always happy on that front because we do it diligently, adding more value to their investment, which means they get more than what they expected. As an entrepreneur, I have taken such decisions pretty regularly. I wanted to become a developer with a wide range of products, ranging from modest, affordable apartments to the most premium apartments, from affordable homes in the city to the most sought-after  premium villas in the best of locations and from premium commercial spaces to premium plotted developments. The idea behind this decision was to create varied offerings for every client who walks into the Manas Developers office, so that they get what they want, as per their needs and affordability. The primary idea is to be able to cater to everyone.
Over the course of years there have been many lessons learnt and experiences gained. I am happy that I am in this space where clients are satisfied with the various developments undertaken by Manas Developers. We, the entire team, do this with a lot of passion, hard work, constant innovation and aligning to the needs of the industry and society at large. We have gained both the trust and faith of the people. We strive to offer the very best in terms of quality with stylish design, classy amenities and functionality while we ensure to deliver within committed timelines.

Taking a risk pays off- Sahil Adwalpalkar, Managing Director, Adwalpalkars and SinQ Hospitality

Sahil Adwalpalkar

I think SinQ night club was one of the gutsiest move for us. This was a different time, about 12 years ago, where as a company we were completely inexperienced with regards to the hospitality sector and taking on such a huge and complicated operation was definitely risky. The scale of the investment was also pretty huge. After all the efforts the success rate in night life is about 5 to 10 percent. Knowing this we went with our gut feelings and pure data analysis about the market. This was definitely our most gutsy venture till date.



Self belief sees you through your darkest times- Rajesh Tarkar, Founder, Rajdeep Builders

Rajesh Tarkar

The most daring decision that I have taken was to quit an extremely well-paying job to live my life as an entrepreneur. It is important to note that I have seen abject poverty and been on the brink of bankruptcy – not  during entrepreneurship, but when I worked at a bank. The years living in penury made me gravitate towards the teachings of Bhagvad Gita and the knowledge from the same made me spiritually stronger and I was sure about changing the tide of fortune. I landed a job with SBI Insurance as Territory Manager and soon became a star  performer across the Goa- Maharashtra sector. I would seamlessly manage a team of 100 plus agents in a very volatile and challenging insurance sector. This made me wonder if I could put my skill sets for sales and team management to create a brand of my own. With some introspection, I embarked on the journey to make a switch and give wings to my passion for interior design and architecture and got into the business of construction. It was in my 30s that I faced the toughest years of my life. But thanks to my spiritual quotient, I invested my time to pursue a BBA, which has helped me today to run a business and create a brand, Rajdeep Builders, which is very well recognised across Goa. The dots that I get to connect today from poverty, penury and a non-scalable job to making a
switch to a high-powered career in insurance and eventually striking it out on my own as an entrepreneur and job creator has been a very satisfying journey – one which could be achieved by supreme self-belief due to spiritual enrichment at the darkest moments of my life.

Strong work ethic and hard work is the key- Sushant Tari, Managing Director, TPT Productions Pvt Ltd

Sushant Tari

I hail from the village of St Estevam. It was audacious of me to be able to dare to move to Mumbai (then Bombay)
for work; and even more challenging to want to start a business and embark on the journey of entrepreneurship from the ‘city of dreams’. The challenge got accentuated with the fact that I had no godfathers to hand-hold me through the initial years of turbulence and uncertainty. However, what I had earned was a tremendous work ethic and the  will to work hard with nothing holding me back. In a cut-throat business of set design, our clients are film-makers and event management firms, who are (rightly) demanding on quality and timely delivery, notwithstanding the fact that often deadlines are very punishing. When I got into this business, I knew that time and tide waits for no man. I learnt the business just like how a child who is thrown in the pool learns to swim – business was survival for me.
Delivering on my promises and sticking to high levels of quality was non-negotiable. It was tough to mould the mindset, as I was trained to be an artist.
Having graduated from Goa College of Art, the passionate artist in me always had the better of the calculative and rational entrepreneur. But having developed a reputation as someone, whose team could deliver, especially in a crisis-laden situation, was a great asset that my firm had acquired. Today, 25 years since my company was formed, I have learned that in a business like ours opportunities have to be grabbed as and when they come your way. Business decisions have to be made on the fly. Most importantly, one has to lead by example.

Persevere and embrace the change to learn- Jayesh Raikar, Director Operations, Goldy Finepacks Pvt Ltd

Jayesh Raikar

Diversifying across different industry sectors gives Goldy Group much needed stability and tenacity today to withstand any unforeseen and unavoidable financial or economic snags.
Until 2012, all our companies were catering to the automotive industry which was a growing industry showing strong demand and Goldy group with three manufacturing plants were showing excellent numbers as far as sales were concerned. However, during the 2007-09 recession, we were hit very severely and all our three plants were facing financial problems but could sustain due to a strong foothold in the industry since 1982.
Today, Goldy Group caters to automotive, electrical, pharmaceutical, FMCG industry having different product lines from 5 plants. Our strategy has paid off well when we look during the pandemic our pharmaceutical and FMCG packaging line was able to run continuously where as other plants had to be shut down. Disagreements and doubts are always there when you are stepping out of your comfort zone But, if you have a well thought out plan, demonstrate the confidence and determination to persevere till the end, and then everyone joins you in your endeavour.
We were diversifying aggressively across industry sectors and across product lines. We did not have much knowledge about the pharmaceutical, FMCG, electrical industry, how these industries function, nor did we have any good references that we could use in order to penetrate the market. But we could manage due to perseverance and readiness to embrace the change to learn.


“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it” HENRY FORD

A company is only as good as its last delivery. The need for continuous improvement is essential to a business. Every company makes promises to the people they serve. Whether it’s the promise of strong customer service, a quality product or great listening skills, clients and customers use these points of excellence to make informed decisions about who they do business with.
However, it’s how a business delivers on these promises that can make or break them. Very often we see not so talented people make it big – only on the bedrock of their delivery.
Customers’ expectations are higher than ever. Customers don’t just want service excellence; they are demanding it. They have several options besides yours, so they are not afraid to take their business elsewhere if your business fails
to match their expectations. Technology has empowered them with ways to research companies, compare products and services, and share their experiences with millions of people.
In today’s world, where businesses have tens, hundreds, or even thousands of competitors dealing with similar products or services, the only businesses that win are those that strive to meet and exceed these customer expectations through delivery of excellent service.
The Mumbai Dabbawallahs are global icons for the fact that they make every delivery on time and with precision.
When providing service delivery to clients, it is beneficial to give the highest quality possible while distinguishing yourself from the competition. Best of all, nurturing customer relationships by delivering quality service leads to new, predictable, longer-term revenue opportunities.
This is because even though your customer appreciates what you have done for them lately, what they care most about is having a reliable businessperson who proactively gives them the end product that they are looking for. There are people who consistently delivered excellence whether it is in the domain of real estate or events and they made it to our list.

Changing the look of Goa’s coastline with Wooden Homes- Caesar Fernandes, Founder-CEO, Wooden Homes India

Caesar Fernandes

“Wooden Homes India was the beginning of an initiative to bring a change that was much needed in the tourism industry – and bringing about this kind of reform is not an easy task. It was challenging as clients were sceptical about the life and cost of the product, whether it would justify the money spent on the structures and would give them the Return on Investment (RoI). We had to be relentless in convincing clients. We supported them with a  payback scheme which helped them to try the product and build trust in it as well as the service and understand the RoI better. Keeping the concerns in mind, we also had to explain to them the reasons for wood deterioration, and then elucidate how one can avoid such deterioration thereby providing them with the necessary precautionary  measures to be taken. It is after all a natural phenomenon for wood to breathe even after being cut, and hence, it expands and contracts. The moment you suffocate the wood by submerging it into water or soil it can’t breathe, thus causing deterioration. Another reason for wood deterioration is attack due to pests, termites and fungi. In the first case, it is important that we take the necessary precautions during designing and installation to avoid suffocation of wood. In the second case, the right treatments that can prevent infestation or fungi need to be used. If both the scenarios are considered, then the life of the product can go on for as long as you want it to, due to its better maintenance. However, for customer satisfaction we assure them 15 years, based on the number of years we have been in this industry building cottages for our clients.

Teamwork is Dreamwork- Serrao Francis Socorro, Managing Director, Crosscraft Events Pvt Ltd

Serrao Francis Socorro

Serrao Francis Socorro, Managing Director of Crosscraft Events Pvt Ltd is well known for his hard work and creativity that enables him to deliver top-notch events such as corporate events, launches, award shows, destination weddings, exhibitions, festive events, and so forth. The quality produced by the company is popular in Goa as well  abroad in places such as Uganda and Philippines. Serrao and his team ensure that every detail of any event is given thoughtful consideration and planning, thereby providing the guarantee of the event’s glamour and success. When asked about how he and his team overcome hurdles he states that, “The internal challenges of an event are managed with team work. In addition, allocating job responsibilities to key managers who remain spare during the event is also assigned in order to take up any last-minute challenges that could come up. Besides this, events also have external challenges, as in for every event there is a third party involved − venue, artistes and service providers and these challenges are handled by networking.” On delivering excellent execution based on insights from past events he said that, “Experience management, adequate staffing, allocating responsibilities and tasks, tracking schedules,
backup planning, engagement and networking with all the service providers are essential and key areas that our team takes up in order to deliver an amazing event”

Where technology and culinary artistry unite- Ujjwal Tripathi, Owner, Nanbai restaurant

As the proud owner of Nanbai restaurant, delivering a seamless and efficient service has always been our top priority. In order to achieve this, we have carefully crafted a customer journey that ensures a smooth experience from the moment they step in, to the moment they leave. Our process involves placing orders at the counter, finding a comfortable seat, having their delicious food delivered promptly, paying at the counter, and finally bidding
them farewell. However, the magic truly happens behind the scenes with the help of technology.


Integrating technology into our operations has been a game-changer. By using advanced order management systems, we can swiftly punch in orders, which are then sent directly to the kitchen, reducing the chances of human error and ensuring timely preparation. This not only streamlines our workflow but also enhances the overall dining experience for our customers. What sets Nanbai’s delivery services apart from other restaurants in the area is our unwavering commitment to quality. We take great pride in offering a unique and diverse menu that showcases our culinary expertise. Our business plan revolves around the concept of ‘Quality’, and it has proven successful, resonating with our customers.
Another key factor that sets us apart is our exceptional customer service. By ensuring a seamless and pleasant experience at every touchpoint, we aim to create lasting connections with our customers.
We believe that delivering an outstanding dining experience is not just about great food, but also about embracing technology to streamline operations and customer interactions.
Our dedication to quality, unique menu offerings, and exceptional service have set us apart, making us a preferred
choice for those seeking a memorable dining experience, whether they choose to dine in or enjoy our delicious offerings in the comfort of their homes.

Let your product speak for itself- Jonathan Fernandes, Founder, Horizon Land Developments Pvt Ltd

Jonathan Fernandes

Horizon was born when I was just 20 years old. We were written off as just another developer here to make hay while the sun shines and people were afraid to buy with us till a project was complete.
Over the years, our persistence and hard work has spoken, our attention to being a quality and not quantity driven luxury developer has earned us the trust of our every home buyer.
I can proudly say that we have managed to make the Horizon brand an inspirational home ownership brand with our projects being sold out on launch through the goodwill and reputation that we have built over these past few years.
Once you have earned the reputation and goodwill and your product speaks for itself, every other obstacle is just another building block to a more resilient, stronger organisation.
At Horizon Luxury Homes we work as a team. For me, an organisation is a collective effort – a leader is merely a guide to steer its path. We take opinions constructively as we have a hunger to not just grow in size but in the quality of every project that we deliver.
We have a young team with everyone bringing in their best ideas and concepts to the table and our end product is a
testament to this mélange of ideas and opinions.

Umang Software’s odyssey in delivering quality IT solutions- Mangirish Salelkar, Co-Founder, Umang Software Technologies

Mangirish Salelkar

“We complete 14 years this year along with Business Goa. Sustaining and maintaining the reputation of a successful business is a big battle. But staying hungry and determined will help you win half the battle.
Quality delivery with strict deadlines is a very rare combination. UMANG strives to maintain the standard and deliver classy IT services to our clients worldwide. Our team tirelessly works to maintain 90-94% client retention by
redefining global software outsourcing with a personal touch.
In any international trade, communication and transparency plays a vital role in the workflow. The basic challenges and barriers are within language, work culture and time zones. If one overcomes and masters the art to bridge these gaps, then you sail smoothly in the global market.
Within Goa, we have always looked upon collaboration over competition, and hence standing tall as one of the state’s
promising IT companies out of the 250-odd IT units in Goa becomes very easy. We continue to be a unique IT organisation from Goa who has worked with clients in almost all the continents and catering to more than 17 sectors”

Plan. Strategise. Execute. – Shruti Tiwari, Founder, VLW Global

Shruti Tiwari

Every couple, especially the bride, wants the wedding of her dreams and spends years putting together thoughts
and ideas on how her dream wedding should look like. While the majority of ideas can be executed, there are a few which require additional efforts to be put together. Obviously, there is no such thing as ‘impossible’
in our area of business. However, we do put across the operational and geographical challenges that will be faced as
well as challenges dealing with governing laws. Additionally, if there is something which is really far-fetched and cannot, for any particular reason be executed, we make sure that we provide appropriate alternatives to the client’s satisfaction and ensure that we are closest to the client’s expectations. Each project is unique and has its own sets of experiences and challenges. We believe that every day is a new learning and we take every experience and
challenge in our stride to learn the ropes of the game and adapt and use those solutions in similar situations in the future. The wedding planning industry in recent times is dynamic, demanding and constantly evolving. Planning, strategising and executing are the three main areas under which we need to work and put our focus on. If the planning is done right from the initial stage itself, the next 2 parts fall in place inevitably. Our past projects and the set of challenges that arose back then, have moulded us into the team that we are today.


“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards” STEVE JOBS

While the journey for these entrepreneurs have been filled with ups and downs in their endeavour to realise their dreams, seasoned entrepreneurs, as we know them today, will look back and deconstruct their path. Having weathered challenges, they often find themselves looking back at their path with a sense of nostalgia, growth, or mere lessons learnt along the way.
Looking back at their younger self, the entrepreneur recalls their definite call to make a difference, shying away from mainstream callings. Were there doubts? Lots to begin with! Then came the naysayers, the second thoughts, which constantly challenge the very being of your dreams. The younger self shrugs away these and power on. In retrospect, mentoring plays an important role and to always ask for help along the way is advisable. The entrepreneurs from this section overcame fear and uncertainty with courage, learning valuable lessons from failures along the way. Perseverance was the fuel to their never dying entrepreneurial spirit. Embracing work-life challenges, adapting to the ever-changing business world, and celebrating milestones fuelled their drive for success. Support systems of loved ones, team members, family and customers excited about the future and made the journey even more meaningful. Innovation, collaboration and burning the midnight oil was sometimes worth it to make a meaningful impact in the community. We asked some of our featured businesspeople  simple question: what is it that they would like their younger self to know before they threw themselves to the call of their entrepreneurial spirit? Here’s some nuggets of knowledge for us to digest. Looking back is essential… deconstructing the journey of these seasoned entrepreneurs offers a window to our readers who are probably aspiring to be entrepreneurs themselves. They
say, you either win or learn. If you have this entrepreneurial calling, dream, dare, deliver and deconstruct.

Take timely action, lest you miss opportunities- Ralph de Sousa, Chairman, de Souza Group

Ralph De Sousa

I am a first generation entrepreneur and it is always nice to start at the beginning, that way you can only rise. We
have achieved a lot and faced our fair share of trials and tribulations. By and large I have spent a life with no regrets and this is more to do with my attitude towards life than achievements and failures. In 1980s and 90s, life of a  businessman was less complicated especially when it came to the government offices where licensing and clearances were much easier and faster. It would have helped if I had to obtain all my clearances for lands acquired over the years in this era, as today things move at a snail’s pace, costly and changing of the goal posts has become the order of the day. Timely actions and capturing all the opportunities in the pre-millennium era would have taken me to
a higher level. An early consultation with professionals would have lessened some the issues faced by me in the later years and avoided litigations which are time and energy consuming and distract your focus. I have learnt that going by a combination of your heart and your mind are vital for growth, especially in HR where you have to balance between organic growth and introduction of fresh energy. I have chosen a profession from which I require no vacation and I have built an opaque wall between my work and home. Life is good.

Driven by the will to succeed- Sumeet Bhobe, Co-founder, Snip Salons and Spas

Dear Sumeet Shrikant Sinai Bhobe,

Sumeet Bhobe

Beyoncé didn’t sing ‘Survivor’ till 2001 but you were Destiny’s Child right from the day you were born. It was 1975, the year of the Emergency. The atmosphere was blanketed in fear and the spectre of forced ‘Nasbandi’ spread like wildfire. Justified. After all, even the poorest dude has 2 family jewels, if not much else. Electricity and other civic amenities were erratic at best, but you entertained yourself by trapping fireflies in old bell jars after dusk. In the day, after school, you played marbles with snot-nosed kids from the neighbourhood and picked berries in the thicket behind your house. The sap running all over your hands and ruining your clothes. Swift and decisive corporal punishment was meted out − Mother Russia style. It was a Stalinist Gulag in the guise of parenting-where the only love was Tough Love. Your parents moved to the city in a painfully tiny flat designed to crush the spirit of its inhabitants, where you broke into adolescence in the 80s. Which meant hiding girlie magazines exacted every ounce of creativity and gumption. Life was frugal at best: 1 Ration Card per family, 2 year wait for a Bajaj Chetak, 4 digit phone number, 3 flavours of ice cream (not counting Cassata at weddings) and George Michael singing ‘You gotta have faith-faith-faith’. You were in middle-class purgatory. The asscrack of society, sandwiched between one cheek stinking rich and the other, piss poor (both puns intended). You had minuscule choices for a career: medicine, engineering and architecture for the bold. You broke the mould and pursued advertising and created much heartburn. Surprisingly passed with reasonable grades. Drew cartoons for newspaper  publications and did more bottom-feeding work to cop some desperately needed cash. There was no safety net, no trust fund. Only your  education to fall back on. And with that naive, false sense of security, armed with your worthless degree, you set forth bravely into the great unknown. It appeared as if the only option was working for some obscure advertising agency, busting your ass for a measly monthly paycheck. A bit like a 7-11 store. Your prospective boss is a pockmarked, ugly ass douchebag with the IQ of a lizard. Since that kind of slavery was not an option, an ad agency with a fancy name (with no clients) seemed the only way. Your dreams were bigger than that. But dreams and aspirations count for zilch, considering no bank gave a shit about your degree or your ambition. You may as well be illiterate,  but if you have some kind of collateral, you’d get the loan for the computer you so desperately needed. But sadly, the folks had no Palace of Versailles to offer. It took almost a year, several ‘guarantors’ and many helpings of humble pie to finally have the Pentium 3 processor with a 13 inch monitor, (in the colour of curdled milk) on your desk. And after the proverbial trial by fire, you were finally on your way. You clocked 14 hours on your computer, resolute and steadfast. Did all sorts of work. Some brilliant, but mostly shitty. Day in–day out. You HAD to crawl out of your middle class manhole. No mercy. Which brings us to the original question: what would you do differently if you were to go back in time? Simple. You’d like to be born in the 2000s. Where parents are scared shitless about raising their voice at their kids, Where counsellers charge obscene fees by the hour to tut-tut and mollycoddle and talk about your feelings, Where inebriated teachers no longer have the sadistic pleasure of whacking students with a menacing wooden foot-rule (do they make them anymore?) Where bankers chase customers instead of the other way around and you can get the latest iPhone for EMI’s lesser than the admission charge of a Sulabh Sauchalaya. Where the Internet proliferates every square inch of our lives, and information, entertainment, porn has made us digital zombies. As you write this, you reflect deeply on the past and the present, having graduated from the school of hard knocks and are experiencing the powder puff, AI generated reality of today. But one thing remains constant in your journey. You’re a fighter, a fierce, spartan warrior with a manic ambition to succeed, no matter the cost or the hurdle. In summary, you simply rely on the legend, Frank Sinatra : Regrets I have a few, but too few to mention.

Rely on professionals for key decisions- Rajesh Dempo, Managing Director, Vision Dempo Hospitality and Estates Pvt Ltd 

Rajesh Dempo, Managing Director, Vision Dempo Hospitality and Estates Pvt. Ltd.

“Land does not grow on its own…Although I have grown my land bank considerably large, I would have backed myself to create a larger land bank than I have today, which would have helped in the expansion of my hospitality
division at an early stage of my business cycle. I had received lots of advice from friends and well-wishers in the early stages of my business, which I used to consider purely on relationships. Today, we have a core team to do due  diligence of any such proposals brought to us which leads to a more systematic approach to purchases and acquisition of land for projects, evaluation and screening of strategic partners, evaluation of suppliers, contractors, etc. thus achieving the expected growth results and quality levels produced by us today. I would advise my young self to focus more on competitor analysis to understand what we have achieved at various stages and how far we can go. I focussed more on Goa while buildingmy organisation. I would advise my young self to proactively look for opportunities around India and beyond India which would further consolidate my entrepreneurial canvas”

Trust, honesty and fair-play is non-negotiable- Prasad Keni, Chairman, Vergo Pharma Research Laboratories Pvt Ltd

Dear young man,

Prasad Keni

You just turned 25, a father of little Kashyap, 3 months is a long time in the life of newly parents…always remember how well Vini took care of everything, the baby, the parents, the household. Gratitude towards your wife is the  greatest joy in life. Business and the art of creating wealth have become like close friends now… always remember how unpredictable friends can be, they are entitled to their moods and eccentricities, you cannot hold it against them…ever. Without crazy friends you are staring at a boring world. Without a struggling business, you are legally a pompous fart. Embrace your struggles – they make you. Period. So, you are not playing as much badminton lately, you stopped cricket almost entirely. Why? Is it work? Is it fellowship? Is it Al??  Al!!! Who’s Al???..I know you handle your drinks and drive home most nights safely… but what about that night you were passed out and Vini had to drive? Be honest to yourself and agree on the alcohol policy with yourself. Do not be pressured to drink or socialise. I mean the OR … it is not a typo. Life is about friends and family, or family and friends… same same. I didn’t know NaMo would be PM of our country… you do not need a prism into the future… live honestly, mostly to yourself, and keep your wits about you… 30 years later feel like today was just yesterday… everything except your own life experience is a castle in the sand. Don’t compromise on trust, honesty and fair-play. In the end remember that compromise is the best form of justice.

Yours truly older self,

Retired but not tired.

(Prasad Keni)

Do ethical business in everyone’s interest- Dilip Salgaocar, Chairman, Geno Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Dilip Salgaocar

When I joined business after attaining my B-Tech degree in Chemical Engineering at ICT (formerly UDCT), I was determined to be a successful second generation businessman in our group of family owned business, but I did not have interest in mining like my father had.  Fortunately, I was made CEO of Curti Chemicals Ltd, which was Potassium Permanganate manufacturing unit, which I was excited to accept because I was unaware that it was  incurring huge losses. Later, there was family business division and our stock was purchased by my uncle and his sons, so we had to look for other options for investments and business. Never start a new business unit without  proper market study and understanding demand for the product, existing competition, as well as scope for research and development. I bought a sick unit Geno Pharmaceuticals Ltd with huge carry forward losses. Pharma marketing needs a huge working capital and unless you are sure of being able to raise capital from financial institutions/ banks/public, this business becomes very stressful. When I joined in 1980, products were manufactured on loan licence that had its own limitations, and third party manufacturing concept did not exist. If you are a good paymaster and respected your team, recognise their strength and weakness and with good communication and performance linked incentives, the employee would not leave the organisation till retirement. Today, you have to use different tactics to retain your workforce because just engaging with work is no more a thrill. One advantage this generation has is the different online platforms to interact, communicate, and hold conferences like Zoom, Google Meet, Webex and many others which have reduced the travel cost and time. These platforms and social media options are great tools which marketing departments can use. Finally, laws are becoming more stringent, competitions stiffer, but the will to succeed and the belief in yourself, commitment to doing ethical business in the interest of all, support of family and friends and above all the blessing of the Almighty will help you to overcome all obstacles and succeed in establishing a good business unit.

Invest in advertising to build a strong brand- Maria Vaz, Proprietor, Karma Foods

Maria Vaz

Maria Vaz is a passionate entrepreneur who set up Karma Foods, a food processing unit, in the year 1987. Karma Foods supply cooking pastes, pure spice powders, seafood pickles, and Goan vegetable pickles. “When I decided to start Karma masalas, I did not have the basic idea about what it takes to put up a small-scale food manufacturing  business. My husband was very supportive, he helped me with all the necessary licences etc and my father provided the factory space I needed. I was confident that I could make a good product and my aim was to lend a helping hand to anyone who wanted to prepare authentic Goan food, whether they were in their homes in Goa or even abroad. When I reflect about my past, the one thing that I would change is the amount of importance I gave for advertising my products that I had not considered as significant enough. Business Goa had come up with so many opportunities my way and so the little exposure I had back then is due to the magazine’s support. Not advertising enough is one of my main regrets. It is like having a good product and keeping it in a closed box. Not many people know it exists. Since my customers were happy with the quality, word of mouth was my only form of advertisement. So, the advice that I would have given myself at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey was to give more importance to a good advertising budget because if people do not know about the existence of a particular product, how will it generate sales? As much as a good product is important, so is its advertising. It goes hand in hand”

Youthful ambitions to timeless wisdom- Atul Jain, Arihant Trading Corporation

Dear Younger Self

Atul Jain

I hope this letter finds you well! As your older and hopefully ‘wiser’ self, I am writing to provide you with truthful advice based on my life journey so far. As a young man, I used to believe that success and recognition were linked to money and material possessions, promising happiness. However, as life unfolds, I have come to realise that material things come with hidden costs. Along your path, you might unknowingly leave things behind, and the world can be unforgiving. But fear not, for life and fate are great levellers, offering fair chances, and it is up to you to embrace them. Here are some valuable tips for the wonderful life that lies ahead, fueled by your bright mind and soulful fire. Firstly, seek mentorship early on. Find someone whose guidance and support will prove invaluable as you learn from their experiences. These insights will help you navigate challenges and accelerate your growth. Secondly, build  strong relationships with positive and supportive individuals, including family, friends, and mentors who inspire and motivate you. These connections will be invaluable throughout your personal and professional journey. Remember to embrace failure, as it is an opportunity for growth and learning. Use setbacks as stepping stones towards success. Be adaptable and embrace change, as the world is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies. Stay true to your values and let them guide your decisions and actions. Your values will earn you respect and trust from others. While having big goals is important, don’t forget to celebrate small victories along the way. It will keep you motivated and remind you of your progress. Prioritise self-care. As a successful individual, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. However, taking care of your health, mind, body, and soul is crucial for overall well-being. Continuously learn new skills; it will keep you young at heart and give you a competitive edge. Remember, perseverance is the key to success. Stay determined and resilient even in tough times, and you will overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Lastly, cherish your family, they are your true support system. Success may bring applause and recognition, but the love and support of family remain constant. Stay true to yourself, and remember that true success is not solely measured by material gains but by the joy and love you share with others



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