Building with Purpose and Passion

Kavya Allaparthi elaborates on joining her family business, the various projects she has worked on and her zeal for sustainable living

A certified scuba diver, a tennis player, a trained Bharatnatyam dancer, and now Chief Executive at Milroc Good Earth Developers, Kavya Allaparthi wears many hats. She comes from a close knit family of four where love and respect were the cornerstones of their upbringing. “Growing up, my parents instilled in us the principle that ‘your life is in your hands’, which simply translates to you are responsible for your decisions, as we have been fortunate enough to make choices for ourselves without any external pressure.” It was this philosophy that guided Kavya in her educational journey which culminated in a B.Com degree from St. Xavier’s College where she was part of their top rankers. “Thereafter, I embarked on a transformative journey by pursuing a Masters in Management at the University of Melbourne, Australia. It emphasises making fulfilling choices and living with authenticity, values that I carry into both my personal and professional life.”

Having studied in Melbourne, Kavya’s experience in Australia not only expanded her horizons academically but also pushed her out of her comfort zone. It exposed her to diverse peers with varied professional backgrounds, instilling in her the importance of adapting to new situations and embracing a growth mindset. “These lessons in personal growth and adaptability led me back to Goa, where I decided to join the family business. Furthermore, coming back home and working with my father has always been something that I wanted to pursue after my education.”

In her professional journey, Kavya has had the privilege of managing a diverse range of projects, each offering unique challenges and opportunities. “I started off with understanding the sales aspect of our project, Milroc Colina and what drives the client to buy the product; and after understanding our core value we experienced an upward growth in demand during that time. Currently, I am excited about Milroc Adarsh, an exclusive residential complex located just two minutes from Miramar Beach. It epitomises luxury living, and I am thrilled to be part of this project right from its inception. I have been working in a multifaceted role along with my Dad since then. These projects have allowed me to hone my skills in strategic thinking, empathy, open communication and positivity.” Each of these projects has contributed significantly to her growth as a professional.

Kavya follows the philosophy of sustainable living and explains how it goes hand in hand with development. “The philosophy of sustainable living underpins both my personal and business ethos. Sustainability and development are inextricably linked; they are not opposing forces but rather complementary elements. Sustainability fosters responsible growth by mitigating environmental impact, ensuring long-term viability, and nurturing positive relationships with stakeholders. In my business approach, I treat each project as if it is for me, executing it with passion and the right intentions, all while respecting and learning from those around me.”

Milroc Adarsh, Miramar

There are quite a few plans at Milroc Good Earth Developers that excites Kavya. “We have been advocates of sustainability long before it became a trend. In our recently sold-out 222 unit project, Milroc Colina, we planted 48,700 trees and shrubs, resulting in a complex that is consistently 2-3 degrees cooler. Our sustainable initiatives, including a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant with minimum human interference – a facility that treats and recycles domestic waste water and in turn the treated water is used for gardening the existing green cover, the units are supplied with solar heated water that reduce the amount of electricity required for hot water generation, organic waste conversion that converts wet waste to manure that is used as a fertiliser for the plants throughout the complex. Strategically placed recharge pits to collect rainwater and in turn increase the water table, rain water harvesting and LED lighting through the common areas to reduce the overall carbon foot print, exemplify our commitment to the environment. These projects align with my passion for sustainable development, and it is this dedication that continues to fuel my excitement.”

Milroc Colina, Goa Velha

Kavya is also an avid traveler, as exploring new places and meeting people with diverse perspectives enriches both her personal life and informs her approach to projects. Her parents have been her greatest source of inspiration and have instilled in her values of discipline, a strong work ethic, passion, and the pursuit of happiness. “Their guidance has emphasised the importance of respect and empathy, fostering a well-balanced approach to life that I carry with me in all aspects, including business.”

Regarding her future plans, Kavya intends to maintain this passion in all her endeavours. “Milroc Good Earth Developers has an exciting line-up of projects, including a hospitality venture, and I am committed to ongoing learning and growth. I will always be grateful to all those I have met and will meet along the way. My journey remains dedicated to the maximisation of local employment opportunity, thereby fostering collective growth to a greener and cleaner future of Goa, one step at a time, all while spreading happiness through my work and interactions with others.”

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