Goa’s major economy depends on the mining industry, hence after 4.5 years the state government finally put up four mining blocks for auction. These include three mining blocks in North Goa -Bicholim, Sirigao- Mayem and Monte de Sirigao and one in South- Kalay and the mineral block consists of ore quality ranging between 55% to 57% Fe (iron) content. Before the mining came to halt in Goa, these four mineral blocks were fully functional.
In the recent light regarding the mining block, the state government has decided to extend the auction by a week. Hence the fourth coming mining auction is their last chance to submit their bids for the first round.
Formerly, the last date to submit the bid was November 21st which has now been extended till the 28th. The days for the other auctions have also been extended by a period of 2 – 7 days.
The examination of the technical bids opening date was on November 22nd which is now on the 29th of November. According to the revised scheduled timetable, the announcement of the qualified bidders will be announced on the 14th of December while the names will be disclosed on the 15th.
“No change in all the other dates mentioned in the tender documents,” stated by the Directorate of Mines and Geology. The auctions are most likely to conclude by the end of this year.
Fresh forest clearance, environment clearance, Gram Sabha consents, and an approval from the India Bureau of Mines, consent to operate from the pollution control board and other statutory clearance under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957, is required for all the blocks by the bidders.