Conserving water for a sustainable future with E.P. Kamat Group

Water is an essential commodity without which the survival of species is impossible and its consumption, as well as conservation, is what matters the most in today’s times. With developing infrastructure, excessive usage of water can be seen while in developing countries, 70% of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into the waters where they pollute the usable water supply leading to water pollution. In tune with their mission of contribution towards a Clean, Green and Safe planet, E. P. Kamat Group is launching a brand new system called the BIO STP PLUS.

The product was launched in the presence of Nilesh Cabral, Minister of Power, Environment, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy and Law and Judiciary as the Chief Guest. “It is amazing to see E.P. Kamat Group coming up with such innovative ideas as such products are the need of the hour. In today’s time, we ought to make fruitful use of natural resources as much as we can. It is very much important that we conserve water along with our other natural resources and with the launch of this new STP system, I think, we will definitely take a leap towards a better future,” said  Cabral.

E.P. Kamat Group has been manufacturing environment- friendly architectural products that define, beautify and protect people’s homes and surrounding. Their belief in the power of their human resource has enabled them to deliver several overseas orders time and again over the past several years. After the successful supply of 1, 00,000 Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Doors, 1,000 fire installations & 1,000 DRDO technology biodigesters/toilets in Goa, E.P, Kamat Group is now launching the Bio STP Plus. E.P. Kamat Group has developed an innovative system to recycle water and is offering customized, turnkey solutions for water recycling.

“We are happy that we are able to provide a sustainable product in the form of Bio STP Plus as it is an innovative system using multiple technologies for wastewater treatment to provide practical solutions with optimum results and minimal cost. I assure that at E.P. Kamat Group we will continue to strive in bringing about Environment-friendly products,” says Mr.Rajkumar Kamat, Founder and Managing Director of E.P. Kamat Group.

Mahesh Bakal, Technical Partner of E. P. Kamat Group elaborated that the Bio STP Plus also has economic and environmental benefits as it helps in eliminating secondary and tertiary contamination of water bodies and societal benefits of increased water availability for alternate (human/agriculture) use. While the treated water can be re-used for toilet flushing, constructions, fish ponds, car washing, road, floor washing and horticulture, the delivering output is fully in line with the latest 2020 pollution control board’s norms and above all conserves water for alternate applications. In addition to this, the Bio STP Plus is cost-effective, has a low carbon footprint and maintenance, conserves water through recycling, treats water as per the PCB norms and is a completely automated unit with better process and quality control.

The company is establishing its own customization lab, validation units, implementation team for turnkey execution, operation & maintenance team and strives to take complete charge of one’s wastewater problem.

With the launch of the Bio STP Plus, E. P. Kamat Group takes the opportunity to serve the society as they continue with their commitment to a Clean, Green and Safe Planet.

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